Chapter 22: No Longer Safe

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Iris's Seventh Year:

The letter rested in my hands. I read it once again while preparing myself for an outing. A dress was laid out on my bed. It was a burgundy colored dress that went down to my knees and had thick straps. I slipped it on and brushed my long, black hair. Only on special occasions I would wear dresses. This was one of those occasions. I read the invitation again.

Fleur Delacour and William Weasley
Invite You to Celebrate With Us
On Our Wedding Day
August 1st, 1997
Location: Weasley Burrow

I set down the note on my night stand. I call out to Aunt Annabelle, telling her that I was leaving for the wedding. Standing in my room, I clutched my fists. I tried to focus and I thought of the Weasley Burrow. I closed my eyes for a minute, the next thing I knew, I was no longer in my bedroom.

My surroundings definitely weren't strange. This place was familiar. I had been here last summer and the summer before that. A banner hung in the kitchen saying, "Congrats Bill and Fleur." My head felt dizzy since I still wasn't used to apparating. I barely passed my apparition test a few months ago. There was a roar of voices, girls giggling and men talking. Suddenly, Molly Weasley came from the kitchen. She was a bit startled since she had no idea I was in her home.

"Oh, Iris! It's good to see you, dearie." Mrs. Weasley hugged me and I hugged back.

"Good to see you, too, Mrs. Weasley. Sorry for popping in like this," I apologized. "still getting used to apparating is all."

"No need to be sorry. Anyway, Fred and George are outside." I nodded and went to search for the twins.

The tent was filled with not so familiar faces. A majority of the guests had red hair. It was obvious that they were Weasleys. On top of that, there were several veelas from Fleur's grandmother's side of the family. In the corner of my eye I saw Professor Lupin. I hadn't seen him since Dumbledore's funeral. Next to him was his wife, Nymphadora, but I called her Tonks like everyone else since she preferred that. A lot of members from the Order of the Phoenix were here. Harry had to be near, hidden of course. Someone might turn him in if they set eyes in him, couldn't risk it.

In the sea of red heads and veelas, I spotted Fred and George. I ran up to them happily and tapped their shoulders. They spun around, looking just the same as they did last time I saw them, except now George was missing an ear.

"Bloody hell, what happened to you?"

The twins gave me a look. "Good to see you too," they scoffed together.

"Come inside, we'll explain," Fred responded as he and George guided me inside.

We walked upstairs to go into their old bedroom from when they used to live in the Burrow. I sat down on a chair left in there. I would of sat on the floor, but Aunt Annabelle would be upset to hear I got the dress filthy after leaving the house for only fifteen minutes.

"So what happened?" I asked anxious for an answer.

"Last night," George began. "we had to get Harry and take him here-"

"Harry's here? Right now?"

"Sorta. Poly juice potion, he's pretending to be one of our relatives. Can't risk getting caught, even at a family event," Fred explained.

"Anyway, most of the Order came along and we did something pretty risky."

Fred and George told me everything. How they had to take poly juice potion to fool Death Eaters, making them think they were Harry. Putting their own lives in danger to keep him safe. How George got hit by a curse during a cross fire and was lucky that it hit nothing more than his ear. How Professor Moody wasn't so lucky.

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