Chapter 20

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Quick authors note! This is the last chapter, and I wanted to thank everyone who read this book. I had so much fun writing it, and I hope you enjoyed it!

The Coach's Daughter: chapter 20 ~

*2 weeks later*

Chloe's p.o.v

The funeral was okay. Of course, there were many tears and sobs, and it obviously wasn't fun, but it wasn't as bad as the wake. It was 5:00 in the morning, and I couldn't sleep. I had woken up at 4:30, and had to go to the bathroom. I couldn't fall back asleep after that. I was in my kitchen, just having a glass of orange juice, looking at all of the cards people had gotten my family and I when Nick died. Every single one of them said the same thing.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Is that the only thing people knew how to say?  I have been hearing that same sentence over and over again for 2 and a half weeks. I'm getting tired of it. The only person who hasn't said that to me, is Jacob. Instead of saying "I'm sorry" he said "I'm going to miss him too." I finished my glass of orange juice, and put my cup into the sink. I saw a bouquet of white roses on my kitchen counter, that hadn't been put into a vase yet. I traveled up stairs and put leggings on, along with my favorite sweatshirt. I put on a pair of blue Uggs to match. I left my hair the way it was when I woke up, and went back downstairs. (⬇️)

I picked up the flowers, and walked out the door

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I picked up the flowers, and walked out the door. I decided that I would bring the flowers to his grave, and visit him. I walked into the cemetery. In the distance, I saw a figure sitting down next to his grave. I ran up to his grave to see who it was, and slightly smiled looking at Jacob sitting next to his grave. I found myself smiling even more when I heard what Jacob had just said.

"Dude, I think I'm in love with your sister." Jacob said talking to my brothers grave. I smiled and sighed, not loud of enough for him to hear. I think I might be to. After about a minute of standing there, I snapped back into reality. Jacob was silent, with his arms hugging his knees, and his head resting on the side of Nick's grave stone. 

"Jacob?" He turned around and smiled, showing off his perfectly straight teeth.

"Hi Chlo." Jacob said smiling at me.  I put the bouquet of flowers on top of the grave stone, and took a seat on the other side of his grave.

"I miss him so much." I said beginning to tear up.

"Me too." It was silence for a while, when I heard exactly what I didn't want to hear.

"I'm sorry." Jacob said.

"No. Don't be sorry. Please don't be sorry. Don't say that! You can't say that! That's all people know how to say! Everyone's the same!" By now, I was standing up shouting. It was directed towards him, but I was looking someplace else besides him.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this. I have to go. I'll text you later."

"Chloe wait!" I felt a hand grip my wrist and I felt myself being pulled back. Jacob looked deep into my eyes.

"Don't go." He said staring at me. I felt as if he was touching my soul with his eyes. It was silent, until I found myself leaning in, as well as Jacob. Our lips touched, and it felt better than all of the other times. His hands were resting gently on my waist, as my hands were on his cheeks. We both slowly pulled away, and looked at each other. I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and Jacob must have too, because he looked in the same direction as me. I saw a single white rose, resting at our feet. It must have fell out of the bouquet that was still resting on his grave stone. But there was absolutely no wind. I laughed at my own thought.

"What's so funny?" Jacob said looking at me. I continued laughing, but not a lot, just a little laugh.

"Nick approves of you." I said looking back at Jacob. He smiled.

"I hope so." He began letting out a slight laugh as well. He intertwined his hand with mine, and gave me one last smile.

"I love you." Jacob said to me, as he looked deep into my eyes once again.

"I love you too."

A/N: THAT'S THE END OF THE BOOK!!! DID YOU GUYS LIKE IT??? I ACTUALLY REALLY LIKED IT! BUT I'LL BE DOING AN EPILOGUE SO I SHOULD BE POSTING THAT SOON! Thank you to everyone who read this book, voted, shared or anything. Thank you so much💘 I love you guyssss😽

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