Chapter 6

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The Coach's Daughter: chapter 6 ~

Jacob's p.o.v

I slowly opened my eyes still adjusting to the light coming from the window. I sat up and looked around to see all the guys gone, but Chloe was still sleeping on the couch. Seconds later, she opened her eyes as well. She sat up, and her hair literally looked like a birds nest that was run over by a truck three times and then thrown on Chloe's head. (Except it wasn't dirty) I tried so hard to hold back my laughter but I just couldn't. I started laughing so hard, that I couldn't even talk. Talk about bed head. Chloe looked at me like I had three heads. I kept trying to say the words to why I was laughing so hard, but instead I just sat there probably looking like a retarded seal clapping my hands with no noise coming out of my mouth. Chloe quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I started to laugh even more when she screamed.

"OH MY GOD!! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY HAIR?!" Seconds later, Chloe came out with a better bun, that made her look a little less crazy. But of course, I was still laughing my ass off. She stood in front my of me with her arms crossed, and she had a very serious look on her face.

"That wasn't funny asshole!"

"Yes it was!" I said still laughing, but not as hard. "You know you want to laugh!" I said smirking.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't!"

"Yes you do!"

"Ok maybe it was kind of funny." Chloe said starting to laugh. But then her face got serious again. She ran to the couch I was lying on and jumped on top of me and started throwing punches at me. They didn't hurt too much, probably because she just woke up.

"That's for making fun of me you little jerk!" She said jumping off of me.

"Oh be quiet! You know you wanted to laugh too." I said as Chloe stormed upstairs, me following. We walked into a kitchen full of boys eating a bunch of breakfast foods. Chloe ran up to the table excitedly.

"Ooh yay food!" She said in a girly voice as we all laughed at her. We sat down and everyone was eating and passing things to each other. It kind of reminded me of thanksgiving dinner.

"Jacob can you pass me the orange juice?" Chloe sweetly asked as she stuck her hand out. I grabbed the orange juice and stared at her with no grin whatsoever. Just a completely straight face. She stared back also, and after about two minutes, she finally gave in.

"UGHHH FINE! My hair was hilarious and you were right. I wanted to laugh." She said in an annoyed tone of voice. I gave her a satisfied smirk and handed her the orange juice.

"Thank you." She said while grinding her teeth which made it obvious that she was annoyed. The rest of the guys were confused, but  they just let it go.

"So. Jacob. Should I expect to see you at practice tomorrow?" Coach Williams asked me.


"Great! I'll see you boys tomorrow at noon at the field." Coach Williams said as he kissed Chloe and Nick goodbye.

"Bye dad!" Nick and Chloe said in unison. I decided I would go home after breakfast, so I decided to get my stuff together and leave. Man was last night fun, but now it's time to work. Football was my favorite sport to play, but Jesus Christ it takes a lot out of you.

The Coach's Daughter // j.s. {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now