Chapter 18

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The Coach's Daughter: chapter 18 ~

Chloe's p.o.v

I walked in the door to see my brother sitting on the couch watching "The Walking Dead." YAS! I quickly ran upstairs and put on an oversized hoodie on, and a pair of black sweatpants. I jumped on the couch next to him and turned it up.

"Hey sis! How was the date?" Nick asked me smirking. I'm honesty surprised that he isn't asking a bunch of questions. When I dated this kid named Zach, (not bruhitszach) he was flipping. He must really like Jacob.

"It was.... Perfect." I said looking up at the ceiling and taking a deep breath.

"Where did he take you?"

"He set up the cutest picnic in the park. It was amazing!"

"You know I trust Jacob, but if he hurts you at all, he will be dead. I don't care how much you like him." Nick said starting to get serious. We watched about three episodes of "The Walking Dead" before Nick had to leave for some football thing with my dad. The team didn't have to go, just Nick and my dad. It was just me and my mom, so we decided to have a little "girls day out." We got our nails and hair done, out for smoothies, and I went shopping. It was a really fun day. We got home and relaxed for a little while. At around 7:45 pm, the house phone rang. I answered it.

"Is this the Williams?" The lady asked.

"Yes, this is them." I continued listening to the lady on the other line talk, when I felt tears in my eyes.

"....Nick is dead...."

A/N: HOLY SHIT GUYS THIS CHAPTER IS SO SAD OMG I WAS CRYING WHILE WRITING IT! But I know you probably hate me because of what I just did, but oh well.

The Coach's Daughter // j.s. {COMPLETED}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu