Chapter eleven

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Chapter 11

For two days, Jayden had been a mess. He had not been able to think about anything else other then his beat up and badly wounded mate. If he had just went to the mall with her. No scratch that, he shouldn't have let her go at all! If she had never left his side, she would not have gotten hurt. He had not blamed Colt for what happened to his mate but he knew that she would bever be able to go anywhere alone ever again.

He had questioned Brad again and again but it had not produced any useful information. Plain and simple, Colt had never seen who attacked his mate. She had gone to the bathroom. When too long had passed, he went looking for her, wondering if she wasn't feeling well. What he found however, was a beat up and bloody woman lying unconscious on the floor.

Jayden would never be able to forget the moment when his phone had rung and Colt told him that he was rushing home with an unconscious and wounded Alexis. His heart had stopped and his world had crashed down around him. He wanted the head of whoever dared to hurt his mate.

When they finally reached the pack house, he was waiting for them, along with the two pack doctors. They were ready for the worse and that is exactly what they got. Alexis, had a broken arm, a broken leg, a fractured wrist, multiple broken ribs and some internal bleeding. She was lucky to be alive. The only reason that he could see for her being still alive was that Colt had interrupted the attack. The monster that had done this to his mate must still have been close when Colt finally got to her.

For two days, they had kept her heavily sedated, in the hopes that she would heal quickly and would not have to feel too much pain. They had given her the final dose of drugs last night, which meant that she could wake up any moment now. He needed her to wake up. He needed to hear her voice and he needed to know that she was alright. He could not bear to think what he would have done without her.

He was brought back to the present when he felt her hand squeeze his. He looked down and realized that she was looking at him with a worried expression.  Unable to help himself, he smiled at her and kissed her lips. He was so happy that she was finally awake.

"Why is it that I am the one that got beat up, but you are the one that looks horrible?" she asked in a groggy voice once he had stopped kissing her.

"Hi baby. You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice" he said before brushing kisses along her forehead

"How long have I been out?"

"Two days"

"I don't feel like anything is broken" she said, testing every part of her body, looking for injuries

"You had a few broken bones, but most have healed" he said, down sizing her injuries

"Where is he?"

There was no doubt in Jayden's mind as to whom she was referring to. She wanted to know if they had caught the man that did this to her. The one that tried to kill her. He thought about lying to her and telling her that they had killed him, but found that he could not lie to her even if it meant giving her peace of mind. Telling her the truth would also help her understand why he would have to be much more protective of her now. Before danger had been a possibility, now it was a fact. Someone wanted to hurt his mate and he would never let that happen.

"He got away baby. I'm sorry, but we will find him. Do you remember what he looked like?"

"He was scary. Dark hair, really tall, muscular and with black eyes. I'm sorry but that is all I remember. It just seems so fuzzy in my head"

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