Chapter one

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Chapter 1

"I can't believe I'm doing this" Alexis thought as she looked at the entrance of the building.

She had been standing in front of the large glass doors for twenty minutes trying to get the nerve to walk inside. She knew she shouldn't be here but she couldn't erase the strange excitement she felt every time she walked past this building. She knew she had to go inside but was terrified of what would happen once she did.

To everyone else, the building looked normal. It was just a plain white building with big glass doors. No one would be able to guess that inside was actually a BDSM club. For the fifth time, she tried to push herself to enter the building but fear held her still. She knew she wasn't the kind of person to visit this type of establishment. Even with the beauty that all vampires possessed, she was the exact opposite and the perfect picture of a wall flower.

Just as she was about to take a step backwards in retreat, she felt a hand on her back. She turned around and looked directly into a man's chest. Since she herself stood at 5'10", the man towering over her had to be around 6'5". He was all muscle and dressed impeccably in a black business suit. The thing that stood out the most with him though was his eyes. They were bright blue and were the type of eyes that you could drown in.

Alexis couldn't stop staring at his beautiful face. With his chiseled jaw, tanned skin and black hair, he was an incredibly handsome man. She finally snapped out of it when she heard him snicker at her. She felt warmth travel through her whole body and a blush spread to her cheeks when he gave her a sexy smirk.

"Were you going inside sweetheart?" he asked her in a deep and sexy voice.

She could barely speak. This strange man had only said a few words to her, but every instinct inside her came to life. She could even feel her teeth wanting to come out and sink into his neck. He smelled delicious and was definitely attracting her. This was very strange since she had never fed from anyone before and never felt the urge to do so.

Her very strict parents made sure of that. In fact, she had lived a very sheltered life and was rarely allowed to take any risks or do anything that could lead her into any type of danger. Being the vampire king's daughter had its perks but freedom was not one of them. At 22, she had finally just convinced her parents to let her move out of the family home and get an apartment. They almost had a heart attack when she told them that she would also be learning how to drive a car and would no longer need the driver she had been using since she was a child. She loved her parents, but they just didn't understand her and her need to explore life and all it had to offer. That need is what eventually brought her to this place.

Realizing that she had yet to answer him, she snapped to attention and responded shyly "No of course not".

For a second she thought he looked almost disappointed with her answer but he quickly changed his expression to a teasing one.

"Too bad we could have had some fun together" he said before walking away from her and into the building.

Once he was out of sight, she sat down on the curve and called herself every single name she could think of. She was such a hypocrite. She had wanted freedom for years and now that she finally had it, she was too much of a chicken to grab hold of it. Just as she was about to walk away and returned home, she felt a rush of courage and all but ran into the building before she changed her mind.

The inside was very beautiful. It was painted a deep red and was decorated with beautiful art work. Everywhere she looked, she could see accents of gold that really gave the room an air of elegance.

"Can I help you?" The receptionist asked her.

She was a beautiful woman, and she definitely gave off a strange scent that Alexis just couldn't place. She knew that she wasn't human but her limited experience with creatures from the supernatural world didn't permit her to recognize the scent.

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