11 | Remember

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The forest is a place of many things. It holds secrets from the light of day. It shields them from the ones who could use an advantage. It is also a place to hide from the world. A place where all you can hear is the sound of animals and the calm of the trees.

Who would have thought a mundane forest could hide a Mikaelson's greatest fears and sins?

A woman darts through the trees, glancing back. Her breath comes out in quick pants as she runs from the monster in the woods.

The Mikaelson follows slowly, watching the woman try to flee.

The woman stops by a tree, unable to run more. She turns to face the monster with a fearful expression. "Please, don't," she whimpers. "Lexi, stop!"

Lexi's expression remains emotionless as she steps up to Talia Hale. She raises a hand and brushes a stray piece of hair from Talia's face. "I can't," she breathes.

Talia's eyes widen as Lexi's fangs pop out of her mouth and veins appear beneath her eyes. She screams as Lexi sinks her teeth into the werewolf's neck, moaning in delight.

A voice stops her. Lexi backs away and lets Talia fall to the ground. Only, Talia isn't there. The voice is that of a boy, one who hadn't yet lived his life.

"Lexi!" He yells again. She turns to see him for the first time in 1000 years.

"Henrik?" She calls, taking a step towards her twin. Then her eyes catch the shadow behind him. "Henrik!"

Again, she is too late. The wolf pounces on her long dead brother, tearing him to shreds. Lexi is frozen in place, watching.

Anger builds up in her. Sadness overwhelms her. Revenge is the only thing on her mind.

The wolf stares at her through dull, yellow eyes. It only takes a second of hesitation for someone to die.

Lexi gasps, her breathing uneven. Her eyes fly open and she blinks rapidly, trying to get the dream out of her head.

That's when she realizes the pain in her head and the tingling in her wrists. She glances towards her hands to find them chained. She instantly recognizes the crypt as one in the New Orleans coven cemetery.

She pulls at the restraints but to no avail. "Know where you are?" Lexi's head snaps in the direction of the voice.

She finds a man sitting in front of her, drinking tea. "Who the hell are you?" She growls angrily.

"You know who I am, Alexis." He taunts, smirking. "Why don't you use those lovely werewolf eyes nature has granted you." He seems to spit out the word werewolf.

She hesitates before making her eyes glow blue. The aura around the man makes her heart drop. "Finn?"

"Finally someone recognizes me." Finn laughs, setting his tea down.

"You were dead," Lexi whispers, pain clear in her voice.

"Mother was able to bring me back." He shrugs.

Suddenly, she hears a scream. A familiar scream. A scream she recognizes.

Red fills her vision. She yanks on the chains, letting out a roar. "What have you done to Elijah?" She demands, eyes now glowing red.

"I haven't done anything," Finn tells her, standing and walking over to the exit.

"Don't you dare!" Lexi shouts, stopping him in his tracks. "Don't you dare leave me here! We are family—"

I Should Tell You | Hale- TO/TW [1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt