I woke up with Phantom starring at me. "Um.....morning." I said. I went to grab my sunglasses but they weren't there. "Heheheh" Phantom giggled. I looked over to Phantom and he had my sunglasses. "Looking for something?" Phantom asked with a goofy smile.

He handed me my sunglasses and I put them on. I got up and put my stuff away. Phantom was sitting patiently waiting. I felt something tap my shoulder and I got startled. I turned around to see what it was, and it was Seto. "Sorry." Seto apologized. "It's ok, what's up?" I asked. "I it ok if I ask what Notch is up to?" Seto asked in a whisper. I thought for a moment.

"I think Notch has something to do with that prophecy." I said in a whisper. Seto nodded. "Are you guys ready?" I ask. Everyone nodded. "Then let's go!" I said happily. And we started walking.

4 or 5 chunks later

I start slowing down and I hide behind a bush. Everyone else hid behind bushes and trees. There was a giant mansion. It was Notch's mansion. I heard Phantom growl. "What is Phantom?" I ask in a whisper. And as soon as I asked that I felt like we were being watched. "I think it's a shadow ghost." Phantom said in a whisper.

My eyes widen. Great a shadow ghost, just what I need. "So um what's the plan?" Ross asks. I think for a moment. "Um well, we sneak in and don't die." I said unsure. They all nodded slowly. I know guys it's a bad plan. I thought. But that plan was the first thing that came to mind.

"Do you guys have amour or weapons?" I asked. "We still have the armour that you gave us." Mitch said. I nodded. "And we still have the swords that you gave us as well." Quentin said taking out his enchanted diamond sword. I nodded. Everyone put on their armour and took out their weapons. Everyone had enchanted diamond swords, except for Jerome who had Betty, and Jason who has a galaxy looking sword that he found in the magic library.

I look over to Phantom, and he had put on his dragon armour I made him. "I'm ready!" Phantom half yells happily. I give a small chuckle. "Ok is everyone ready?" I ask everyone. They all nodded. I nodded back, and I started sneaking towards the mansion. Everyone followed. Phantom came up beside me. We walked over to the wall of the mansion and stopped.

Phantom went through the wall like I ghost. He poked his head though the wall and looked at me. "The cost is clear." Phantom said then went back through the wall. I opened up a type of portal that allows you to go through walls like ghosts. I went though the wall were the portal is and I was in the mansion. Phantom was sitting there waiting for everyone.

Everyone else came through the wall. I kept the portal open for just in case reasons. I looked around the room and there was no one in the room. I took one step then I felt a shadow ghosts presence. Phantom growled. "It's about time I get my revenge on you.......Skybrine." I heard the shadow ghost say. But the voice was all too familiar. It was Griffen. "Show yourself!" I yelled.

Then Griffen appeared in bunch of pure black smoke. His eyes were glowing a bright red.


The bang came from the left wall we all looked at the wall.


the wall cracked and then the wall broke. Notch came flying through the wall. He landed on the ground with a Thud! Notch got back up and ran for the hole in the wall but was blocked, by green force field go around him. It was a magic force field. I looked over to Seto. "My magic is purple." Seto said. Then dad walks through the hole in the wall. Uncle Null, 303, and EnderBrine walked behind him.

Uncle EnderBrine had green smoke around his right hand which was in a fist. Notch looked over to us and he smiled insanely. Griffen floated over to Notch's force field. Griffen's hand had black smoke around it, and he put his hand on the green force field. The force field started turning black instead of green.

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