Part 34

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its been one month im soz


Ele: "Lyook I stg if u dunt stfu rite now eye will nock u owt leik eye did 2 Haz"

Okay I know I said to get him to shut up but like you didnt have to bring the other thing up. But yeh lyook is quiet now

Pengy: "k im soz, m8"

He then sat down beside Eshtin and start stroking his hair. Like what I did to hairy.

Pup: "su wen iz hii gunn waik up??"

Kit: " wii cood jus pore watuh on heem"

Pengy: " nu tf"

Lou: "uhm do u wont heem 2 waik up?"

Pengy: "yus..."

Ele: "den watah his fec"

So Mikol getted water and poured it on Eshtuns face


Word count ch 34: 131

i hate english class cri

Harry + LouisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ