Part 25

8 1 0

Pup: "Y u standing, m8"

Haz: "bc hee iss gunnuh cuddle w/ mii"

Lou: "yeh duh"

Column put his hands up in defence. Hehe loser....

Ele: "das nawt nyce, bro.."

Kanga: "wot he sai, m8?"

Lou: "dunt call me bro... Wtf"

Ele: "hii kalled col uh looser"

Column runned out in tears... Oops??? I didnt mean to make him cry. Soz, chap.. I walked over to Hairy slowly. He made grabby hands for me. I sat in his lap and snuggled close.

*in Lou-ehs head*

Haz: "heigh bebz"

Lou: "sup, luv"

Haz: "uhm.... 1st of awll , ur nawt blak pls dunt sai sup. 2nd uf awll mi nem isnt luv............."

Lou: "wot dus b-ing blak hav 2 du w/ sai-ing sup???? And den wots ur nem?"

Haz: "it haz (A/N: BU DUM TSSSS) 2 du w/ evryting.. Nd mi nem iz bby.. @ leest frum u"


Word Count ch 25: 171

Harry + Louisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें