Part 11

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A/N: Helllooooooo guysss. I am back with another chappy. Woooooh!!! Lets just get right to it.


Its been a few days since Haz nd i found Peppy. Hes been nice to us since then. We'd eat carrots together. Every now & then we'd make McDonalds pop up. I dont know why, but today felt different than others.

Ele: "wanna meet sum fronds"

Haz: "yassss"

Lou: "wot kynd of fronds??????"

Ele: "aneemul fronds"

Lou: "o.......kk"

So a lil while l8er, we got up and started walking in One Direction (buh dum tssssss). Then a house appeared. It was a pretty light blue with a yellow door and window Paynes (buh dum tsssss againn huehue). 4 animals walked out. A puppy, a penguin, a kitten, and a kangaroo. Dey were all su cyoot.

Ele: "Yeh, ikr Lou"

Lou: "Bruhhhhhhh, U needa stahp doing dat."

Haz: "Dooing whut bebz"

Lou: "Peppy keeps reeding mi mind :("

Haz: "dum Ele. U needa stup. Ur meeking mi bebz sad"

Ele: "Dunt cull mi dum :(("

While they kept arguing, i went to the 4 animals.

Lou: "Hiya chaps. Meh nems Lou-eh"

Kitty: "G'day m8, meh nems mikal"

Pengy: "Aye lewis, muh nems Lyook"

Lyook called me lewis. Oh heckkkkk nahhhh!!!@!!! I went over to the lil penguin & kicked him, but then the kangaroo kicked me instead.

I blacked out......



I wonder what happens next :o Anywas yeah. I hope you enjoyed this shizzz.

NOW ONTO THE FABULOUS JOKE!!! (I'd just like to say that at one point i lost my joke book but it was under my bed and now its all safe and sound and good now)

Knock Knock?

Whos there?

A cow goes.

A cow goes who?


Lolololololollolololololollollool gettt ittt????????? Cows dont go who, they go moooo. Silly person.

ANNNYYYYyyyyyewaaaaayysssss,,,,, ByEEEEeeeEEEeeEEEeEEeEEE!!!! *Troy Sivan wink*


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