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Ten years ago a human (lol)made a fake contract stating that if his friend (girl/boy/animal/country/wizard/vampire/etc. Name) had not found love in ten years they would get married. The girl signed and agreed to it concealing the promise by attaching pinky's

During they years the girl was dumped by her boyfriend and she had tried to commit suicide many times. The human was always there to help the other human(lol). Later on offer only nine years the suicide human was in a help hospital while the helpful human took care of 'em. The helpful human (let's call 'em personA) was injured many times by person B (suicide human) like hit with a phone spit on etc... But person A never left Person B's side.

When the 10 years were over filled with joy Person A garbed the contract and ran all the was up 20 flights of stairs just to get to Person B's room. When they entered the room they found a note on the bed saying 'sorry I just can't take life anymore' reading this Person A ran back down the flight of stairs and told a worker what was going on before running up the stairs and onto the ceiling.

Once Person A got there it showed Person B the contract telling 'em "remember that 10 years ago you promised to marry me if you couldn't find love." Person B looked at Person A with sadness as they covered there mouth saying "I was joking back then" right then Person B's ex came with the police (That person A had called) and Person B ran right past Person A and into the arms of there ex.

Filled with sadness Person A through the paper and stormed off fighting back tears and Person B only looked with sadness

*you can make something up for the end*

I might make a Hetalia oneshoot about this soon.

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