A Paired Murder

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"Hey, I stole this car I would appreciate if you would not get your finger prints all over it."
Cali's fingers slid down the glass window.
"I'd appreciate it if you'd just get us to the site and shut your mouth. You can replace the windows later."
"Oh yeah? Then what? Just have random a couple random windows to dispose of?"
"Could you please just shut up."
Derek shrugged and drove them up to a driveway at the bottom of a hill. At the top of a hill is a mansion.
Cali got out of the car.
"Oh look. A house. What a great accomplishment."
Cali's head snapped twords Derek.
"Right ok then calm down. What's the plan?"
"I'm thinking as little blood as possible. Poison?"
Derek grabbed a small vile, "Ok then whatever you say."
"I'll pull the charm card to get us in."
The twins walked up to a tall gate with a gaurd.
"Hello, sir. Cali and Derek Vantelli for Mr. Kasey."
"I'm afraid your not on the list."
"Oh we are now," Cali pulled out a small shotgun and didn't even hesitate to shoot.
"And we're in," Derek smiled and just walked inside.
"Don't act too optimistic," Cali moved passed him and clicked her heels up to the door and swung it open.
Maids and butlers stopped to look at them. They wore all black. All dark and evil.
Cali stormed into the kitchen and started setting the table.
Derek began to prepare a drink for Mr. Kasey.
"He took everything from us. All we gotta do is kill him and poof. All our worries are gone," Derek started to explain as he set the drinks down for Cali and Derek that wernt posioned, and the poisoned one for Mr. Kasey.
Mr. Kasey then entered the room.
"Ah the Vantelli twins! Lovely to see you again."
"We aren't here for casual banter."
"Cali's right. I'd prefer to get to the point."
Mr. Kasey took a drink.
"Uh huh. Right-" he coughed. Cough. And fell back.
"Let's get outta here."
Cali nods and they both get the heck out of there.

This is the crappiest thing. I'm writing this very tired in a moving car. While trying to watch heroes.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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