The Difference Between Us

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Hello. It me.
So welcome. I had this idea randomly today so let's see where it takes us.

Warnings: It's a bit depressing, but they're already dead so there is no trigger

  The only difference between heaven and hell is that in heaven you forget that your dead, never to be seen again on earth. In hell, it is clear that your dead. No life on earth could be as it is in hell. Heaven, is almost exactly like earth. But more a dream than anything. Like the life on earth you wish you had.
  I would know. I've been in both. I'm what some would call an inbetweener. I switch between demensions of hell and heaven. It's like my fate has undecided whether I'm good or bad. Inbetweeners are unwelcome in both places. We blend amongst them and try not to get caught. Right now, I am in a school restroom on earth. Oh that's right, on earth were known as guardian angels. We have been granted the privilege to have a sort of presence on earth. Large angelic wings and normal clothes. Our wings are hardly present. Only to small children up to the age of five and animals. I'm gaurding a highschool girl named Bec. During the day I protect her. In the night I live my life as an angel. And when Bec is better I'll "move away" and move on. I've become attached to Bec. I don't want to leave her.

  I actually really like this one shot so I'm turning it into a book.
  I know I know calm your tits. Anyways, this is a sneak peek of Upcoming "My Gaurdian Angel"

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