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So this one is based of a tumblr post I saw on Pinterest (I don't have a tumblr oops)

Warnings: Suicide! DEATH! FUN!

First Grade
"...and when you touch your soulmate for the very first time the whole world will burst into color," The teacher made an enthusiastic hand gesture, "And when they die. The world will turn back to black and white. It's terrifying knowing that one day it'll happen. A normal day. Doing normal things. And everything will turn dark and colorless," she sighed and turned back to the board.
Marissa's hand shot up as she looked at teacher's dress. She says its red. I see grey. As a first grader I knew I wouldn't be able to see the colors in forever. I couldn't wait.
"Yes, Marissa?"
"I have a question."
"Shoot to kill."
"Are there any people who never find their soulmates? Or are there people without soulmates?"
"Potentially, yes. Likely, no. If your worried about not finding your soulmate then just keep waiting. Fate will find you."

Fifth Grade
"Your soulmate can be a lover a bestfriend anything. Your soulmate is your other half," The teach paused dramatically, "But there are some rarities. In some cases it'll be so your soulmate isn't actually yours. So when you touch, one person's color will come. And the others will not. It's a sad rarity."
Marissa sighed softly. She was still terrified. What if you soulmate never came. What if her soulmate wasn't actually her soulmate? And she was starting to get sick of grey and black.

Seventh Grade
Marissa was walking off the courtyard which was a lovely (not) shade of white. She noticed a boy who looked new in her eyes. He sat alone. Marissa sat down next to him and set her backpack down. She turned to him as the boy read his book, getting increasingly annoyed at Marissa.
"Hello," she said.
"I'm Marissa."
"... Jonathon..."
"Nice to meet you Jonathon," Marissa held out her hand.
Jonathon put down his book and took her hand. His eyes suddenly lit up and he started looking at the world around him.
"W-what's going on," I inquired.
Jonathon squeezed my hand harder, "Do you see it too?"
"See what?"

Ninth Grade
Jonathon and Marissa became friends and he saw the colors. Marissa could still only see black and white. Jonathon confessed his love to her at the beginning of freshman year. They were said to be the "incomplete soulmates" since Marissa couldn't see color.
Jonathon described all the colors to her as the lay out under the sunset each night. He could always do if perfectly.

Eleventh Grade
Jonathon and I are still dating.
Today I needed a little time alone to think. I walked around the park while humming a small song. A girl ran up to me and practically screeched.
"Omg I love love love that song!"
She held out her hand for a highfive. Not leaving her hanging, I clapped my hand to hers. On impact everything changed. The colors flooded her mind. Everything became cleared and had a color to it. The girl looked just as starstruck as Marissa did.

Twelfth Grade
Lily was her best friend. Jonathon was her boyfriend. Both her soulmates. She couldn't have two. She couldn't choose. And she didn't want to.
Pulling her dark golden hair back behind her slim shoulders, she stood in the bathroom fiddling with her blade. Marissa stared into the mirror, her chocolate eyes all puffy red from crying. She glanced down her the arm that the blade held. The scars of her cuts stood out. Everytime either of Marissa's soulmates told her to choose. She'd start crying and run off to her home and made another few cuts.
Marissa checked the door and made sure it was locked before picking up her blade and bringing it against her skin again. Her tears dripped on to the newly found blood she drew.
This isn't enough. I can't anymore! I can't!
Marissa quickly reached into a cabinet and grabbed an entire bottle of pills. She crossed her heart and took a deep breath. Then she dumped the entire bottle down her throat.
The world went back to black.

Moments Later
Lily and Jonathon were out shopping when suddenly Lily dropped to the floor and Jonathon dropped the bag of chips he was holding.
They both yelled and ran out the door to the house. They burst into the bathroom to find Marissa laying on the floor clutching the bottle of pills. Lily was sobbing at this point and stray tears were running down Jonathon's cheeks. Lily hugged Jonathon and cried into his chest.
Jonathon then noticed a small note taped to the mirror. He reached over and picked it up. He began to read

Dear Lily and Jonathon,
I love you both. I couldn't pick just one. I had to go with neither. I'm sorry about the colorless life you'll be forced to live because of me. I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I'm sorry for my insecurities and quirks. Everything wrong with me. It's gone now. Goodbye.
Love with kisses and hugs, Marissa

This is actually so sad I hoped
you enjoy!

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