Return to Gravity Falls

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So for my first one shot I decided I'll make a little tribute to Gravity Falls. THE ENDING WAS SOOOOOOO GOOOOOD AHHHHHH.... It made me cry. *sobs* I highly suggest you watch this show.
So here, is a short story. Based on the show.

Description: The Mystery Twins return. WHAT MORE EXPLAINING DO YOU WANT?!?!


Mabel ran around the room frantically shoving her knitting supplies into her suitcase while Waddles sat in the corner of the room with his newly sweater.
Dipper carefully placed all three journals back into backpack. The school year had been great it'd never beat the excitement of going back to Gavity Falls. Back to the mystery. Friends and family we left behind. Pine Tree and Shooting Star were coming back.
Dipper straightened the hat that Wendy gave him and sighed as he flopped on to his bed.
"TRAIN'LL BE HERE IN 10 HURRY UP YOU TWO," His mom called from downstairs.
Dipper stood up and pulled his backpack over his shoulders and Mabel grabbed Waddles and her suitcase. They both ran downstairs and out the door not daring to look back. The speedy beaver bus pulled up as they walked outside. Mabel pulled Waddles on to bus right after Dipper got on.
"No animals," the bus driver stated matter of factly.
"B-but Waddles!" Mabel tried to defend her case.
"Just let her take the pig. Trust me it'll be easier just go with it," Aftwr Dipper said that the bus driver shrugged and let the pig on. The three all took a seat at the very back and the bus took off.
The bus ride to the town in Oregon was uneventful. Things started to get real when they saw signs of Gravity Falls.
Dipper looked out the windows grinning ear to ear.
About two minutes later they arrived. The bus pulled to a stop and Dipper and Mabel stepped off. Wendy, who was waiting for them to arrive, pulled them both into a hug.
She still wore Dippers hat and it now looked like she never took it off. Candy and Grenda tackled Mabel to the ground and Soos gave them high fives.
"And so the Mystery Twins return," Dipper turned around and saw Gruncle Stan and Ford walking twords them.
"Gruncle Stan!" Mabel hugged him.
"Hey kid," he replied.
"I didn't think you'd be back from your trip to Antartica yet," Dipper inquired.
"Got back yesterday," Ford replied.
A quick reunion later Mabel and Dipper were setting up their room.
Waddles sat downstairs with Stan in their chair. The entire town was elated by their return. "The Gravity Falls heroes return after defeating Bill at the end of last summer." According to Wendy, whole town wouldn't stop talking about the mystery twins return.
Boy it would be good to be back.

I would write more, but that was sob worthy enough for me. Anyways I gotta go to school baii.

Comment what you want me to do a one shot about next!

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