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Hello my little poopies, how have yeahs been? Wink wink😉
Anyways, you guys should totally go check out my Harry Styles fan fiction called 'Rose' its a vampire/werewolf kind!

Anyways, go read 'Hooked' by @harrysmarcelxx



I slowly opened my eyes trying to adjust to the light coming from my curtain less windows, I sighed and turned around to face him, I smiled and gazed my hand down his cheek.

His mouth was parted slightly and his hair was a mess, I moved my hand down his arm and stopped at his knuckles, they were cut and had a little bit of blood on them, flashes of what had happened last night went through my mind reminding me that Niall killed Zayn to protect me.

"Good morning princess," Niall croaked and I smiled, I leaned in closer to his face and kissed him, he instantly kissed me back and I threw my leg over his other side straddling him.

I ran my hands through his hair and he pulled back out of breath, "Someone is happy I see?" He chuckled and kissed me again.

I climbed off of him and he frowned, "Well I thought we were going somewhere there bu-"

"Oh my god Niall." I giggled and he stood up, he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up hugging me tightly, "Niall! Put me down! I need to get a shower!"

"Yeah you do." He chuckled and placed me down.

I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means my princess smells." He winked and walked back to my bed, I stuck my tongue out at him and turned on my heels walking to the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me and looked in the mirror frowning at the sight, before i got in the shower I used the toilet and noticed I had began my period, awful I know, I've had it since grade 6.

I quickly wiped myself and stripped, I turned the shower on and got in, the freezing water went down my back making me squeal.

"Breanna? You alright?" I heard Niall's soft voice.

"Haha yes! The water is just freezing!"

I heard him chuckle, "Okay!"

The water turned warm and I grabbed the shampoo rubbing it though my hair, I washed my body and finished off with shaving my legs.

I turned the water off and got out wrapping a towel around my body, "Niall could you get me some clothes? Like sweats, tank top and underwear?"

"Yeah of course!" He replied and knocked on the door, I opened it and he passed me clothes, I mumbled a thank you and closed the door, I grabbed my underwear and slipped them on and yeah.

// I'm laughing I don't know why. //

I finished getting dressed and got out, Niall smiled at me and grabbed my hand, "That time of the month?"

"Yeah..." I blushed and he chuckled.

"Don't be embarrassed every girl has one." He kissed my cheek and nodded my head, "lets go over my place so that I can get a quick shower and get changed! Oh and I have a surprise for you tonight."

"Okay." I got on my tipy toes and kissed him, the butterflies began to flutter in my stomach and Niall smiled against my lips.

"I love that feeling I get when I kiss you."

"So do I my little leprechaun."

"Hey, my leprechaun is big." He winked and I laughed out loud.


I woke up and smiled, her dirty brown hair was tangled everywhere and her mouth was open, she let a few soft snores come out which made me chuckle softly trying not to wake her.

She was absolutely beautiful, no matter what she did nor who she was related too, she was the definition of perfect.

I pulled the covers off of my body and placed a pillow under hear arms, I fixed the blanket on her and stretched.

I walked to the bathroom and shut the door, I got a quick shower and got out, I walked back into the room and picked out clean clothes, I made my way back in the bathroom and got changed.

I brought the towel to the laundry room and threw the dirty clothes in the washer, along with Lucy's, I looked at my watch and groaned, I have work in ten minutes.

"Lucy?" I whispered and sat on my bed, she shuffled around a bit and opened her eyes smiling.

"Y-Yeah?" She croaked,

"I have to head to work, would you be able to stay here until I get back?"

"Oh yeah! Yeah! But would it be fine if I uh went back to my place to get clothes?"

"Yeah of course," I kissed her forehead and got up, "I'll see you at two."

"Okay, bye."



Liam left and I threw the covers off of me, I went through his dresser and grabbed sweats along with a jersey, I tied my hair into a neat bun and slipped my shoes on.

I left and once I arrived I opened the door, my mouth hung open and I walked in, they both were gone.

Lucas and Zayn, what if they're still in the house?! Well of course not Zayn because he practically had a blood bath!

I flicked the light on and noticed someone cleaned the blood up, I ran into my room and grabbed a luggage carrier, I threw all of my clothes and whatever I needed in it, I zipped it up and grabbed my car keys running out to my car.

I started the engine and pulled out of the drive way, once I made my way down Liam's street I sighed, i felt safe.

Lucas is a jerk, I might of went along with his plan, but that was because he threatened to kill me once and he almost did, it was about a year ago in England.

I was walking with Lucas and he showed me this site, it was beautiful, the cliff was deep but the view was absolutely breathtaking.

"So will you go along with it?" He chuckled,

"No," I hissed, "Just because you brought me here doesn't mean I'll change my mind."

"I knew you'd say that, that's why I brought you here."

"And what are you going to do? Kill me? Huh?"

"That's exactly what I'm going to do." He smirked and grabbed my arm dragging me closer to the cliff, he grabbed my neck and placed me over the fall.

My feet touched the ground and bit an he let go, I stumbled back and as I fell I grabbed onto the edge, he bent down and smiled wickedly, "So?"

"I-I c-change my mind! P-Please just help me."

"Okay." He replied and grabbed my hand pulling me up,"All you have to do it shoot."

"I-I okay."

"Good girl."

A knock on the glass window made me jump, "Sorry love! Didn't mean to scare yeah, are you okay in there?" Liam smiled and I opened the door.

"Yes I'm fine, thanks for asking."

"Need any help?"

"Yes please!" I giggled and he grabbed my bag, he grabbed my hand and intertwine our fingers, I blushed but decided to ignore it.

He brought them to his room and ran back, I took my shoes off and walked into the living room sitting down on the couch. "Liam?"


"Uh when I went to the house they weren't there." His face hardened and he clenched his jaw.

"But Zayn is de-"

I cut him off, "Lucas must of woke up and hid him, he's gone and I don't know where he is."


"He's going to come back once he has it all planned out,trust me."

"Can I ask you something?" He asked and sat down beside me.

"Sure." I smiled and he moved closer to me.

"Why are you scared of Lucas?"

"He threatens me and he actually killed out p-parents." A tear escaped from my eye and I looked away, "Please don't tell anyone."

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest, "I'm so sorry and I promise, I won't let him or anyone hurt you."

"T-Thank you Liam."

"My pleasure beautiful." He smiled and kissed my cheek, I smiled and wiped the tears away.

"Ice cream?" He chuckled and I nodded my head, "I have vanilla or strawberry?"

"Vanilla! Hands down!"

He chuckled and walked to the kitchen, is it bad that I fancy Liam?


Okay so this might be short but I wanted to update before I go to Halifax on Wednesday, I'm not going to be on tomorrow so I'm updating now.

There won't be another update until next week so don't comment update :s

60 votes or ten comments.

Could someone write me a sex scene? I won't be posting it until the second last chapter but if you can please kik me Breannaashford


•where did Lucas go?

•Do you like this story so far?

August 19th.

Skinny Love » Niall HoranTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon