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"Breanna, wake up." My mom said, I opened my eyes being blinded by the light, I groaned and rubbed my eyes.

"We seriously have to go buy me curtains." I laughed, "And what do you want?"

"Me and John are leaving now, Alice is down stairs." She smiled at me and left the room, oh yeah....Forgot.

I got up and followed mom down the stairs, John was already at the front door waiting for her, Alice crawled towards me and I lifted her up. "If you're a bit tired and need some rest, bring Alice to the Horan's next door." John smiled and I nodded.

Mom kissed my forehead and same with Alices, "We will be back tomorrow afternoon."

"Where are you going?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"To the old house, I  left some stuff there, then we are going to stay the night at your grandmothers because we have to help the new family move in." She replied, "Good bye."

They left and Alice started to laugh, I brought her into the living room and sat down. Hm, lets try something.

"Alice," I said and she looked up at me, "Can you say Breanna?"

She nodded her little head, "Bb-rea-na." She smiled which showed off her dimples. "BeBe."

I laughed and I knew my dimples were showing as well, "Bebe?" I laughed again.


"Want do you want to do today?" I asked her,

"Plway fwotbawl."

"Okay, let's go get changed into something more nicer." I laughed and carried her up stairs, I went into my room and placed her on the floor. I quickly got changed into a pair of sweats, tank top and my PINK sweater.

"Let's go get you changed now." I smiled at her and picked her up, I walked to her room and picked out a pair of purple sweats and a sweater.

"Plway! Plway!"

"Yes we're, let's get to the back yard." I laughed and opened the door, the yard was attached with the neighbors and I noticed they had a huge pool.

I put Alice on the ground and grabbed the soccer ball, "Here." I gave her the ball and she kicked it, "Nice job!" I kicked her the ball softly and she fell on the ground, "Are you alright?"



"Hey Alice!" I heard someone call, I turned around to see a curly haired boy running out of the neighbors back door, he walked towards me and smiled, "Hi."


"I'm Harry."

"Breanna." I smiled back and shook his hand,

"How's Alice?" He asked and then Niall came out, "Hey Niall."

"Heyo." He smiled and ran towards Alice, "Hi baby girl!" He picked Alice up and tickled her sides

"And Alice is good," I answered his question, "I adore her even though we just met yesterday."

"Yeah, she's a sweetheart! Niall loves her," He smiled at them playing soccer, "He baby sits her ya know? but I don't think he needs to anymore since you're here."

"Oh.. I don't want to come in the way of things, but he can if he wants." Harry laughed and looked at me, he had dimples and breathtaking green eyes.

Skinny Love » Niall HoranOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora