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"YEWS!" Alice shouted right after Niall and Harry had, we all started to laugh at how hyper she was and I tilted my head back while I laughed.

"Oh how I adore you child." I kissed her forehead and she snuggled into my chest, I played with the necklace that Niall had given her and I have to say, it's a very nice necklace, it's a four leaf clover.

"I love this movie." Harry said, I turned my gaze to him and smiled, "You have a pretty smile."

"Shush," I replied and he chuckled softly.

"It's the truth though, not going to lie."

"Thank you, I think I’d prefer you say that i have a pretty smile then an ugly one."

"I think everyone would." Niall added and chuckled, "But it is true what Harry is saying, you do."

"Thanks." I blushed and looked back at Alice, she had her eyes slightly closed which meant she was tired, "I'm going to bring her to her rood, I’ll be back."

"Okay." They both replied and continued to eat the popcorn and watch the movie.

"I don’t want to go to sleep." She yawned and I giggled,

"You have to Alice, I’ll bring you out tomorrow for ice cream, how does that sound?" I smiled as her eyes widened in joy.

"Yews." I opened her bedroom door and placed her in her bed, I pulled the blankets up to her chin and she yawned once more before falling to sleep.

"Good night." I whispered before walking out the door, I skipped down the stairs and jumped onto the couch where I had been sitting five minutes ago.

"Where did my popcorn go?" I asked them, they both looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. "Let me repeat that, where did my popcorn go?"

"Niall ate it." Harry chuckled and Niall's cheeks turned bright red.

"It's alright, I’ll make more." I smiled at him, I got up and made my way into the kitchen, I grabbed another bag and placed it into the microwave putting it on 2 minutes; once it was done I poured it into a bowl and walked back to the living room.

"There we go." I smiled and sat down.

"Let's spend the night watching movies shall we?" Harry suggested and we nodded.


"That was some nice movies." I smiled and yawned, "But I’m knackered so I’m going to head to bed."

"Okay." They said in unison, Niall had made a bed on the floor while Harry took the couch; I turned to walk up the stairs until someone hugged me from behind.

"Good night." Niall whispered in my ear.

"Good night Niall." I smiled and got out of his grip; I walked up the stairs and closed my bedroom door behind me.

I smiled and started to giggle, what is wrong with me? I'm not sure; it's probably just my weirdness coming out, yeah. I walked towards my bed and got under the covers, once I did, I fell asleep.


I slowly opened my eyes open and the smell of burnt bacon filled my nostrils, what the hell?! I quickly jumped out of bed and ran down the wooden stairs; I turned the corner and crossed my arms to the sight in front of me. "Mhm." I coughed and they both looked at me, "What do you think you're doing?"

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