Mei's eyes widened. "You knew Kazuma was a Pureblood? Why didn't you say anything?"

"Of course I know Kazuma; I'm not that stupid to give him away," Taichi laughed.  "As long as there is a Pureblood out there, we should be in decent shape. Besides, he would've killed me had he been captured; for several reasons too."

"Wouldn't see why he would after he heard what Osamu said," Mei said matter-of-factly.

"If only you knew," Taichi whispered, glancing over at Mei with an interested expression. "Anyways, you need to find your revelation princess."

Mei growled irritably. "What do you mean by that?"

"I'm saying you need to find your inner demon," Taichi said. "That Pureblood and I found ours a long time ago. We need you to get yours."

"Stop beating around the bush and tell me what the hell you're talking about," Mei said angrily.

Taichi glared at her, frustration crossing his face. "You need to be able to get your true demon back, princess. That part is still asleep inside of you. Surely even you can understand the potential you are still lacking."


Kalik stood staring at the gates of the capital, completely furious with the situation. Why did Mei decide to turn herself over so easily? Kalik looked behind him and saw Takashi, Kaito and Kalas sitting nearby, their minds clearly occupied with what had just happened. Soushi was pacing a few yards off muttering to himself and Kazuma was standing with his arms crossed, an irritated look on his face. Kalik faced the gates again, wondering what exactly the Emperor wanted with Mei. It never dawned on him until now that the Emperor was only looking for Mei, and now Kalik was curious more than ever to know what he wanted.

"You should feel ashamed as a man, having a woman tell it to you straight like that." Kalik spun around and saw Kazuma eyeing him dangerously. Kalik returned the stare and walked towards him a couple of steps before stopping.

"Why did you let her go in there?" Kalik demanded.

"Why are you so pissed off?" Kazuma asked as he got up from his lean. "Aren't you the one who wanted that to happen? Stop being so bi-polar about these things and make up your damn mind."

"Shut up! If you care about her you shouldn't have let any of that happen!" Kalik froze as Kazuma's sword was suddenly pointed at his throat. Kalik looked into Kazuma's eyes and saw the killing intent in them. Kalik jumped back and drew his own sword. They glared at each other, their hatred glinting in their eyes.

"What do you know about Mei?" Kazuma growled.

"I know she was human until you changed her," Kalik growled back.

"Heh, she would have always been a demon even if I hadn't changed her. You cannot alter fates, human. Don't tell me you actually cared for the girl before I showed up?" Kalik lunged at him and they exchanged heavy blows, Kazuma having the upper hand in their spar. Takashi and the others watched anxiously, ready to jump in if Kalik got into deeper trouble. Kazuma's foot landed on the side of Kalik's head which sent him skidding to the side. Kalike stood up and glared angrily at Kazuma.

"Idiot," Kazuma continued, "Osamu has his mindset on one goal, but you're too proud to see it. You are all too bloody proud and you are letting the idea of 'demons' affect your common sense. You don't want to admit the Emperor you have been defending is actually a bloodthirsty murderer do you?"

"That's quite enough. What is fighting each other going to do at a time like this?" Both of them looked over and saw Soushi walking towards them, his face clouded with anger. "I have to agree with Kazuma on this one, Kalik. We were in the wrong, especially when it came to handing Mei over. If I thought this out through right, Osamu wants Mei's soul, correct?"

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