My mate the charmer. "I got some of your fave foods, chocolate covered strawberries, pasta salad, chicken tenders, and some garlic bread"

He helps me down as he sets himself on the other side.

"This is very nice babe, I needed this" I smile as he beams me a smile back

"It's a nice break from everything that's been happening... I wanted to tell you, please don't be mad" I frown while we eat "I have to go to striker pack for some business I need to attend to"

Something inside me told me I wouldn't like it "How long will you be gone for?"

"Just a couple of days"

"That's not so bad, what made you think I would be mad?" I ask grabbing a drink. I'm still here eating while Aiden trying to tell me something, goes to show what my priorities are at the moment. I can't help it, the spread he laid out is so good.

"Because the reason why I'm going is I may have gotten a girl pregnant" my chocolate covered strawberry stops mid air "I'm going to see if it's true"

I was speechless yet suddenly angry. I dropped the strawberry and stared at the flames of the fire. Is this the punishment that I get for depriving him of watching Kaleb grow up?

"Please say something" he pleads and reaches out to me. I pull away making him whimper. "If I had known I wouldn't have got a girl pregnant, I would've dragged you back here years ago"

"Are you saying this is my fault?" My voice was suddenly back and I was fuming. I was at a loss for words, a sudden pain stabbing at my heart. At the same time my rage was slowly taking a hold of me while I tried to force it back not showing him anything. Forcefully trying to keep myself blank

"No that's not what I mean, I mean I wouldn't have slept around... I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming myself for not having the self control, not being man enough to not listen to your family... What if the baby is mine? I mean I missed out on watching Kaleb grow"

A tear fell from my eye when he said those words. I felt guilty. Every time I saw him with Kaleb, I felt so much guilt. More tears began to fall as I stared helplessly at anything but him

"So you think I will just let you miss out on the rest of his life while you support your other child? You. Are. My. Mate dammit!" I was trying not to yell but I was so angry that he could be this stupid when he knew about me being his mate

"I know I'm your mate... What do you want me to do to? Please baby, it was a silly drunken night I had in striker and I don't even know if it's true"

"Then go" I whisper "Just go!" I suddenly yell. My emotions were swirling around inside of me, I could feel my powers trying to push their way forward to do I don't know... Anything at this point

"Baby, I don't want to lose you" He pleaded. I could see in his eyes he didn't mean to hurt me but I just couldn't be around him right now.

"You knew we were mates this whole time! You knew Aiden, I know my family and yours were telling you to wait until I came back but you could have prevented this... You could have tried harder to come for me" I yelled in frustration. I was out of breath, I raced up the stairs and closed the door behind me in my workspace and just cried on the floor. I could feel my powers break free, my eyes slowly drifted up and all of my belongings were in the air

I could feel his guilt and heartache. I should be supportive, why wasn't I? But the fact that he could be fathering a child that isn't partly mine scares the shit out of me.

I shouldn't have left the first time, I should've man'ed up and turn the damn car around to be with him. I heard a howl in the night and I knew it was him outside my workspace window.

Once Heartbroken (Wolf Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now