"Shes stalking me." He said to no one in general, I patted his back and exited the car without another word.

"Natalie!" I look up to notice Louis and Zayn standing at my locker, is this our meeting place? Why is it always my locker? Don't they have lockers?

"How did it go with Niall last night?" Zayn cut right to the chase, I chuckled and motioned for them to move so I could open my locker.

"Just fine." I replied grabbing my notebook and 'Grimm's complete fairytales' book.

"Uh huh. Did you guys kiss? Did you confess your love?" I laughed as they kept coming up with ridiculous things that could have happened. Much to my dismay, I saw Niall walking down the hallway with a pretty red headed girl, Zayn noticed my gaze and frowned. "That's Nialls ex girlfriend, Molly." Zayn exclaimed, I registered what he said, it felt like my heart broke a little bit. How lame is that?

Louis sighed and patted my shoulder, "They're an on again off again couple, this summer he said he was done with her for good though, I'm sorry Nat." I shrugged, why should I care? Its just a little crush. No big deal. Right?

Liam ran up to us out of breath, "Nialls dating Molly again."

Zayn and Louis must have given Liam a look because he looked at me with sympathy.

"Oh, I'm sorry Natalie." I shrugged again clutching my book. "I'll walk you to class, eh partner?" Liam nudged me trying to cheer me up. I nodded with a small smile on my lips.

"Bye guys." I waved to Louis and Zayn. Liam walked slowly with me to class, there wasn't very many people in the hallway.

"I'm sorry about Niall." He said again stopping a few feet away from our class.

"Its okay, I just thought.. that after last night, he maybe liked me back." I confessed, sighing.

Liam took my books from me, before I could ask what he was doing he gave me a giant hug, I wrapped my arms around his neck and sighed again.

"Get a room." Someone laughed, we let go to see Niall standing next to us. His smile made me frown, but I quickly hid it by gently taking my books from Liam. I didn't take another look back, I walked away from the boys and headed into class.

Before I did though, I thought I heard Liam say "You're an idiot." To Niall. I smiled at the thought, sweet Liam calling someone names. I took my seat next to where Liam was suppose to sit, he walked in a couple seconds later and quickly sat next to me. He sent me a quick smile and then payed attention to what Mr.Talley had said

"I'm hoping you all picked out stories by now, so I'll ask each group who they picked and if you have the same one as whoever is announcing their stories, you better pick a new one." He added "I'll give you a few minutes to talk to your partners before we start."

"Did you think of a story?" I asked Liam turning my head to look at him, his dark brown eyes seemed lost somewhere else. I wondered what was troubling him, "Liam?" I said hoping to snap him back into reality.

"Oh, right, sorry." He muttered fixing his eyes on me.

"Did you pick a story?" I repeated, his eyes narrowed and he let out a humorless chuckle.

"No, I'm sorry. Did you?"

I smiled this time, staring down at my book, "I figured we could do Cinderella." I shrugged looking at the front of the room to Harry. His partner was the girl from this morning, Molly? I believe her name was, she talked with Harry while Harry nodded his head and pretended to listen. She sat her hand on Harry's *cough* man parts, his eyes quickly widened and he pushed her hand away. If shes dating Niall, why did she just do that with Harry?

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