Part II : Chapter XXV

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                “War hasn’t started yet.” Fury commented, appearing out of nowhere. He wore his usual black, heavy attire and stood at the top of the stairs above Thor. “You think you could make Loki tell us where the Tesseract is?”

                “I don’t know. Loki’s mind is far afield. He trusts Astryd more than he does with me. I believe you’re better off if you make her locate it. It’s not just power he craves, it’s vengeance, upon me. There’s no pain that would prise his need from him.” Thor replied.

                  “A lot of guys think that until the pain starts.” Fury remarked, disappointed in Thor's answer. He'd hoped for a simple "yes." But at times like these, nothing can ever be simple.

                        As much as Fury wanted to locate the tesseract, asking Astryd for help was last on his list. He knew that by doing so Astryd would find out the truth. She'd find out that fact that Fury went behind her back and proceeded in making destructive weapons, despite her warnings. Astryd wouldn't have it and the trust Fury spent years on earning would easily disintegrate, and he feared that if that did ever happen, she'd turn her back against him and join Loki. He couldn't risk that, so he went with his other option at locating the tesseract: Bruce.

                 “What are you asking me to do?” Thor questioned just as Fury made his way down the steps and came to a stop right in front of Thor.

                      “I’m asking, what are you prepared to do?”

                    “Loki is a prisoner.” Thor stated, not following what Fury meant. His eyebrows knitted together and he lightly shook his head. Thor's blue eyes glanced up at Fury, wanting an explanation.

                           “Then why do I feel like he’s the only person on this boat that wants to be here?”

                            Thor fell silent, finally understanding what Fury meant. He never thought much about it, but now as Fury pointed it out, he couldn't stop thinking about it. Loki did not resist when they took him. It was easy. Too easy. Soon enough, Thor began to ask himself the same question:

                             What am I prepared to do?


                         "Everything here is boxed up." I murmured, almost bumping into Steve since I hadn't noticed he came to a stop. I moved so I stood by his side, my shoulder brushing his arm. He took a step closer to one of the many boxes lined up in front of him.

                        With care, both of his hands reached out for the lid of the box and he pressed against the buttons, the lid popping open on its own. My eyes widened and I let out a small gasp in disbelief. Steve turned to look at me, his eyes meeting mine and sending me the same shocked and look of disbelief. If it weren't for what the box contained, I would've been fazed by Steve's proximity to me.

                          My eyes trailed back down into the box where a heavy, mean looking black shiny gun rested. On the inside of the lid, was a brief typed out description of the weapon: Phase Two, weapons of mass destruction. My hand reached out for it and lightly brushed the advanced gun and just like I expected, a familiar current of the tesseract's energy flowed from the gun to me, creating a small spark.

                            "It's powered by the tesseract." I informed Steve even though he probably already knew, anger boiling up inside of me. The one thing I asked him not to do... Fury not only lied to me, but he did this all behind my back. That's not the only factor that hurt me. Erik, my own father, had taken part of this and, he too, kept this away from me.

                                                I was betrayed by the people I trusted the most.

A/N: Loki admitted that he cares for Astryd & Yikes! looks like Astryd found out the truth and she is anything happy about it. People do crazy things when they're betrayed ( I mean, look at what Loki did because of that)...What do you think Astryd will do/ say to Fury now that she knows? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! (:

I know you guys are anticipating more Asteve moments, especially a kiss. Just be patient, lovelies...just be patient lol. it'll come soon! 

the song to the side kinda fits Loki & Astryd's relationship. I also think it has a lovely beat & it just a wonderful song in general, (:



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