Part I : Chapter XI

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Part One. Chapter Eleven.

Too Late. 

               Fury knew everything about me that I felt so exposed now. He was skeptical at first, but as I told him what I know, the doubt in his mind disintegrated. He knew about my true heritage, that I was the cause of the lights going out in the elementary school I attended for a week, that I was the reason for the secret alien invasion in Virginia and that I was the cause for the explosion in the high school that I also attended for a week.


    Fury tensed up, his hand flying to his ear piece. I stood up, a bad omen overwhelming me. "Agent Coulson...An alien attack...Are you sure this isn't Stark...Send more agents and soldiers, we can't let it harm the town...I can't go, but I am sending Astryd over there, she may be able to help."

       "What is it?" I asked Fury in a whisper. After our long talk, I've seemed to earn more respect from him. He seems to trust me now as I do to him. 

     "Agent Coulson said that there seems to be an alien attack in the desert of New Mexico. Something to do with a weapon shaped as a man made of metal. He thinks it’s an alien and is here to destroy."

         "The destroyer," I murmured, remembering what Loki said. He said that Odin would send the Destroyer to kill Thor. My heart and thoughts began to race. This was all happening too quickly. Fury sent me a questioning look.  "I know what it is. It will destroy everything in its path. Fury, I have to get there as soon as possible...but ho-" I stopped mid-sentence as a sudden thought popped into my mind: the casket’s power.

           "You can go in one of the jets. That's the fastest way."

          "That's alright. I don't need a jet. I think I found another way to travel." I said with a small smile. Director Fury nodded, and took a step back, letting me do my thing. I closed my eyes, calling the casket.


              I pictured it. Sitting on the small stand it always does in the sacred room of the Palace in Asgard. As I saw it in my mind, I neared it and with each step I took, I felt its powerful aura. My hand reached out for it and I felt myself light up with power. Take me to the S.H.I.E.L.D site, I commanded. Blue hazes surrounded me, providing me with comfort as I found myself zooming through nothing but darkness. It was a feeling like no other. I felt weightless, as if I were floating. Before I knew it, it was all over and I felt my feet hit a rocky, solid ground. Opening my eyes, I let out a small laugh of relief. I made it.

      Shouts and screams alerted me as I rushed through the tented area, pushing me to run faster. I arrived at the main area where one of the agents informed me of a strange satellite going crazy. It was in the middle and seemed to be clamped down, but whatever force was once holding it down to the ground was now disintegrating, causing the radar machines to go wild. Agents in white coats surrounded the object, obscuring it from my vision.

        "Excuse me, but are you authorized to be here?" An agent shouted over all the noise.

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