Chapter Three: Leaving Safety*

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"So, I heard you're going to leave Totus Islands?" heard Kallan. The voice is oh so familiar. Taya, a petite, slim, blonde-haired Primum with earth abilities. Her arm tattoo was of a leafy vine in different shades of green wrapping up to her shoulder. Brown plant roots crept across her left cheek, one even brushed across the tip of her nose, and Taya swore that they grew with her. Which wasn't much, as the girl was barely 4'10". She had the figure of a ballet dancer and yet as aggressive as a pro wrestler. She moved to the Main Island eight years ago, when they were six. On her first day in school they had a fight over the stub of the last "Regal Purple" crayon, which resulted in a bloody nose, bruises, and some quality bonding time with the Principal. They've been close friends ever since.

"Yeah," Kallan answered as Taya sat down across from her at the lunchroom table. Word had got out fast since Raidah's announcement that afternoon.

"Cool. Humans might be interesting," she said before taking a bite of her spaghetti. "I mean, I know you're not exactly going for vacation, but still."

"Eh, I'm more worried about finding this girl," Kallan admitted. "She's, like, the key to getting us out of here and back into the world."

"What are you going to do once you find her?" Taya asked. "Just casually explain to her about the big plan to, you know, destroy the civilization she lives in and take it back?"

"That's exactly what they did to us all those thousands of years ago," Kallan replied. "Human's may have forgotten we existed, but that's just more prove of their ignorance. We're just recovering what is rightfully our own."

"I'm just saying, your plan has some flaws. How are you going to find out your abilities once you meet this girl? What if you can't find her?" Taya pointed out. "Hey, what if she like, died or something? Or went insane and is being held in a mental facility?"

"That's a lot of what ifs," Kallan said. "Besides, Raidah has a plan."

"Oh? And what is this plan?" Taya responded.

"Uh, well..." stuttered Kallan. Composing herself, she said, "Raidah always has a plan. She wouldn't have decided to go through with all this if she didn't. That's not like her at all."

"So you're saying that she has some sort of huge master plan, and she's just not telling you?"

"I did ask her about it," Kallan said. "She said she didn't want me to be too stressed yet, or something like that."

"What did she tell you?" asked Taya.

"We leave tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. We're taking Raidah's private jet, the storms are being calmed a bit until we're out of range so we can fly. Destination, Canada. The only reason she gave for that was 'You've always loved hockey.'"

"Raidah's jet!" Taya exclaimed, excitement glimmering in her eyes. "Any way you could take me with you?"

Kallan laughed. "If you could take my place, I'd let you." She said. No surprise that Taya was excited about the plane, nobody ever got to ride in it except for Raidah's top secret missions outside of the Islands. This was the first mission in fifteen years. Kallan knew that Owen had been on the last one, when he was a teenager, but he ignored all her questions about it. Actually, Owen was practically still a teenager. Primum age the same as humans until they reach about eighteen years old, then they age approximately one year for every five human years. Owen looked, acted, and in every way was twenty years old except for the actual amount of years he'd been alive.

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