The Date

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Jaren stumbles around eating and getting dressed, then he limps out his door. Bright sunlight shining down through the different hues of leaves from above casts a beautiful arrangement of light onto Jaren as he steps out his door. The journey to New Rustion takes twice as long as usual.

When Haimont's smithy is in sight Jaren collapses, he slowly crawls towards the the smithy. Suddenly, Jaren is high up in the air being packed towards his destination. He is sat down inside and given water. Haimont asks, "Now lad, didn't you think I offered for ya to sleep here for a reason?"

Jaren painfully responds "Yes... I wanted to talk to you... About the pain. It's all over and only used my arms."

"Aye lad," Haimont responds, "see ya arms will be sore from the labor, and ya legs well they be sore from exhaustion. I remember my first day. I worked all day and made four swords. Couldn't move for two days nearly. Now, still ya used to the work ya need to stay here and have Elle help ya muscles from being to sore to work. Elle!"

A soft voice replies "Yes, dear. I over heard. I'm on it now. Come see, Jaren."

Jaren slowly walks to Elle. She was a strong woman with bright red hair and beautiful brown eyes. Jaren says "Ma'am?"

"I'm going to show you a few stretches you should do when you wake up. This'll help your muscles. Then, afterwards if need be I will massage your arms. Can't go smithing and not be able to lift your arms"

"Yes, ma'am. I await your instruction."
Elle gave Jaren a quick arm massage and showed him some stretches that he could do daily. Jaren does the stretches as instructed. He then walks to the smithy. Haimont refreshes Jaren on the process. After the refresher, Jaren makes 3 swords better quality than the day before. Harold shows Jaren how to attach the hilts onto the swords.

All sat as if they were a family, Haimont, Harold, Elle, and Jaren sit and eat dinner in Haimont and Elle's estate. Jaren is situated in the spare room across from Harold. Jaren heads into the room and collapses on the bed and sticks to his thoughts.

Lord, what have I gotten myself into? This is more difficult than I ever expected. Tomorrow I should see about getting my own smithing apron and some new clothes. That's if I am allowed. I wish I could just sleep, but damn I'm just hurting all over.

In time Jaren drifts into sleep. He is rattled and moves around frantically in his sleep. It's memories from the raid.

Burning buildings are dotting the plain of sight. Smoke scattered across the horizon. Flesh set ablaze burns the nostrils.Panic sets in as Jaren starts searching. They are no where to be found. Heart beat speeds up and he starts running. Running. Running. Jaren's house is in sight and then someone throws in a torch. The running hastens, but the house gets further and further away. Jaren trips and falls endlessly.

Suddenly Jaren wakes up sweating. He walks to a water basin and washes his face. Returning to the room Jaren encounters Harold. "I still have nightmares occasionally," Harold says to Jaren.

"Mine make me feel like I could've been there for my parents and helped them," Jaren says somberly.

"I'm sorry. If there is anyway I can help let me know. You're like a brother to me."

"I appreciate it. Do you think your dad would let me go buy a smithing apron and some new clothes tomorrow? Since, I will be staying for a week."

"Yeah, he shouldn't mind just so long as you ask and get back early enough to do some work. And, you need to get some sleep. I will see you tomorrow"

"Thanks again. Sleep well," said Jaren. Harold and Jaren depart from the hall and head to bed. This time Jaren sleeps more soundly. As the sun rises, light shines down upon Jaren in different shades of green, blue, and orange. Jaren awakens and gazes at the beautiful stained glass window situated at the left of the room. The window is a picture of an orange flowers backed by a blue sky and grass. After stretching Jaren heads down to find a fresh breakfast. There are biscuits and eggs. Jaren sits down at the table next to Harold. Haimont and Elle sit across the table. Everyone starts to eat. Jaren breaks the silence by asking, "Haimont?"

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