Whats wrong with me?!?

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*Sky's POV*

I sat beside the toilet, wiping my mouth. I've been throwing up for a for a day now and I don't feel any better. I held my stomach, hoping I wouldn't have to throw up again. Juliet walked in the room and threw a box at me. I looked at it. "A pregnancy test?" I asked her.

"Listen. You've been acting really weird lately and the girl and I are starting to think that you might be..expecting." Juliet said. I looked at the box. "Ok.." I said. "Take the test when you're ready. But know that we will have to tell Andy." She said. I looked at the ground and I felt a limp in my throat. I stated at the box and started to cry. "What the hell is wrong with me.."


Sorry it's a short one..I just wanna add SUSPENCE!! Is Sky pregnant? Where is Raven?? Oh my god so much SUSPENCE!!! :3

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