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*Sky's POV*

After we got our coffee we went back to the hotel.

I sipped my coffee as I got towels and shampoo and stuff for the hair dye.

"So you're gonna dye your hair red?" Ashley asked. I nodded.

I went into the bathroom and Ashley followed.

"So how come you didn't ask Andy to help?" He asked, closing the door behind him.

"Cause me and you never talk anymore. I just want to have a conversation with you without having people interrupt." I said.

"Ok." He said.

I opened the box and started to mix the chemicals together.

"So what did you want to talk about?" He asked.

"So how are you with Raven?" I asked.

He smiled a little. "I love her." He said.

"Good. I've known her since 7th grade and she means the world to me. I'm glad to finally see her in a relationship without getting heartbroken." I said.

"What about you?" He asked.

I looked at him in the eyes.

"Good..perfect." I said, taking the mixture and handing it to him.

He began to put the dye in my hair.

"Tell me more about it." He said.

"Well..I love him. He is my husband and my best friend. He means more to me than I could ever think. He's saved my life." I said, remembering when he saved me from my uncle.

"And you did too." I said.

He looked at me through the mirror and his eyebrows raised.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, you're like a brother. You have been there for me when no one else is." I said.

"Thanks." He said.

He put the hair dye in and I had to wait for 10 minutes.

*Ashley's POV*

"I love you." Sky said again. I smiled.

"I love you too." I said.

"You mean more to me than anything. You're my family and truthfully you're all I needed." She said.

"Now I kinda wish I married you." I said.

"You're the best brother ever." She said.

"Thank you my dearest sister." I said smiling.

Sky laughed and I joined in. The door knocked and I opened it to see Andy.

His face was hard like stone and he looked like he wanted to punch me.

"Hey?" I said. "Just wanted to see how everything is going." He said.

"It's going good babe." Sky said.

I saw Andy's hands ball up when she said 'babe'.

"Ok Ashley you can wash my hair now." Sky said.

Andy closed the door and I looked at Sky.

"Andy seems mad." I said. "Well don't ask me. I don't know what happened." She said.

I began to wash her hair, the red on her hair looked beautiful.

After washing it all out she pushed me out the door.

"Gotta get undressed and take a shower and condition my hair." She said and closed it.

I smiled and turned around to see a angry Andy and a pissed off Raven.

Living, Breathing, Singing (Babysitting Amy Sequel)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя