Mrs. Biersack

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*Sky's POV*

I woke up in Andy's bunk. I looked at Andy, who was staring at me. "Hello babe." He said. "Who said I was your babe? You're gonna have to start all over with me. And I'll be kinda hard to get." I said, raising an eyebrow at him. He smirked. "I'll get me." He said. "Oh really?" I asked. He looked at my lips, and quickly pecked them. "Hey! You can't do that to your friend." I said. "Why not?" He said smartly, getting out of the bunk. I followed and walked towards the booth, sitting down next to Raven. She was on Twitter, looking at everything.

"Ok guys, so because Warped hasn't started yet and we already started driving on the bus, we get a week to roam around. Anyone wanna leave the bus and go on their own?" Our manager said. Raven looked up. "Yes! I need to visit my family before I go on this ridiculously long tour." She said. She got out of the booth and the bus stopped at a rental car station. Raven left, and I already felt that the group wasn't complete. I saw Ashley and he sat in front of me. "So how ya feelin?" He asked. "Good..I feel a little weird but I guess it's just cause Raven left." I said. Truthfully, I did feel a little weird, like I was gonna barf.

"Ok, so you guys are gonna stay?" Our manager said. We nodded and continued on with our conversations. "I'm so excited for Warped Tour. Especially when we go to Texas. Home town bro." I said smiling. Ashley smiled and grabbed my hand. "I can't wait to see you perform." He said. To be honest, I still really liked Ashley. But there is this force I have with Andy that keeps me close to him. But Ashley is special. There is something about him...deep down in my stomach I know something will go wrong.

"Hey?" I turned towards Andy, who had a fruit cup in his hands. He handed me one and kissed me on my cheek. "So you guys are dating?" Ashley asked laughing. "I have no clue. It's like a confusing sandwich. It's delicious, but you have no idea what's in it or if you should even be eatin it in the first place." I said. "That's a weird example." He said. I shrugged. "Well whatever you decide Mrs. Biersack." Ashley said and got up. He walked over to Jake and talked about guitar designs. I ate a strawberry and immediately spit it out. It didn't taste right. It's like I don't like strawberries anymore..

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