Chapter Twelve: To Clear The Useless Population.

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Dedicated to Zella_Feathers. She is an amazing reader of this book! Thanks for your support!



I came back to my room after a tiring set of matches which my team won. We had two more games in which Nelson and I were a team. Amber wanted to be in mine but no, I am a girl who wanna always win and if she would have been there instead of Nelson there was no doubt on our defeat.

All in all the game was awesome. I came to know that Nelson also played on his school team but never made it till state. He introduced himself as Ron Nelson and he was from Australia. The girl was Rhea Arora also from his country but she looked Asian.

I quickly took a shower and came out drying my hair. I slipped into a cozy half sleeves top and khakis. It was 7 pm and dinner starts at 8:30 pm so I decided to surf through the bag sent by my mom. I shifted it out from the bottom of the wardrobe and zipped it open. The clothes in it were not arranged that means I got a task on my sleeve.

One by one I took out all the neatly folded clothes and started placing them in my wardrobe according to their sections. When I emptied the bag I found a big golden memento. It was a trophy, my winning trophy of the state level badminton championship. How everything turned out to be a reminder of my sport that day.

I smiled at it and the picture of my winning smash came into my mind. The memory was so pure and properly fixed. No one can ever take that away from me. I went across the room and placed the trophy on the glass shelf of the table. It looked the 'All time Grand' trophy, my pride.

I began to keep the bag where the others were kept when the door bell went off. I pushed the bag inside and swished towards the door. I clicked it open and was met with the mischievous eyes of the lady from the cafeteria. She had a tray in her hand, a mug on it and was in the same clothes from the morning except the apron. She also had a sling bag with its strip on her right shoulder.

"Hello Margaret,"

"Ah...Hello." I was confused to see her here.

"I brought you some coffee," She paused. "Can I come in?"

"Ya, sure." I let her in and clicked shut the door. She made her way towards the bed and balancing the tray on her one hand she pressed the middle of the headboard and it popped out and became like a hand rest or something.

"I bet you didn't know this," She said while keeping the mug on it. She placed the tray on the night stand and glanced at me,"I hope you don't mind me coming in your dorm?"

"No not at all. But I never asked for a coffee..." I trailed off because I didn't know what to say further. I just can't call her some servant because she definitely wasn't.

"Of course you didn't because we don't do room service. I just wanted to meet you, you must have gone through a long day. Am I right?" Why does she change the statement into a question? She knew what my answer would be, I wished to give her some unexpected answer but I wasn't able to.

"Ya." That's what I had to say after snacking the whole brain to give her something she didn't want. And yet I did the exact opposite.

"So over this big day have some coffee. I hope you like it." I took the mug she offered me and motioned me to sit on the bed. I did and she sat on the other end facing me. "How was your first day in the classes?" Questions, more questions. I was in no mood for questions.

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