Then he brushed a gentle finger over James’ head while he slept in the cot, kissed me once more and was gone. 

I watched the tent door slap back in place and sighed, a siege. 

When Thomas came to tell me that my wagon was ready, the camp was already in the process of being packed up.  The Army had already marched to the town and all that was left were the flattened tents and the workers.

It was a short trip to the town.  It was built in the centre of a field, a small agricultural town from the looks of it.  The walls that surrounded it were wooden and not particularly well maintained.  The heads that peaked over the edge looked inexperienced and frightened.  That was understandable.  The town was now surrounded by the army and the two gates, one facing the north and one the south were heavily guarded.  Jonathan was nothing but thorough.  No one would be leaving in a hurry.

“Pumpkin, how’s the whipper snipper?”

“If you are referring to your grandson and heir to the throne James, he’s fine.”

“James, hey?  Robert’s a good name...”

“Shouldn’t you be on a horse somewhere?”

He laughed, “Yes, my Queen!”

“Daddy why did you...”

He winked at me, “Someone’s got to look after you.  Pumpkin, sometimes you have to stand against someone to truly support them.  And remember that Edward was once my friend.  But that man in there, he’s not Edward anymore.” He turned to leave.

“Hello Robert,” the soft voice came from behind me.  I had forgotten that Torcall was one of my guards.  Although he stood on the platform with me he had not drawn attention to himself until now.

Robert turned with wide eyes, “That’s a voice I haven’t heard in many years. Torcall?  Is it really you Torcall?”

“Yes Robert, it is me.”

“Torcall please forgive me, I never knew he planned on doing that...”

 He never finished his sentence.  Torcall rush forward and gathered him up in a crushing and backslapping hug. 

“My friend,” was all Torcall whispered.

The parted and held each other at an arms length.

“You look old.” Torcall laughed.

“You are no masterpiece yourself!  I see you’ve meet my daughter.”

“Yes and she’s met my son,” he said very softly so that I only just heard but my father laughed like it was the funniest thing ever. 

My father wrapped his arm around Torcall with another slap of the back and they walked off laughing about some event in their past.

Thomas sighed next to me, “I suppose at that age there is little point in holding grudges.”

“Tell that to Eve,” I scoffed. 

I turned and attempted to walk up to where Jonathan and Percy were.  However changing direction when you are encircled by twelve bodyguards is not something that is done easily.  I almost plowed straight into the chest of David who was so busy looking for Archers on the fortifications that he didn’t see me.  Luckily Thomas caught me and pulled me into his protective embrace.

I looked up into Thomas’ grin.  I was puzzled as to what he found so amusing until I looked over and saw Jonathan glaring at him.

“Thank you Thomas,” my tone showed my annoyance as I pulled from his arms.  Then I waited while the twelve rearranged themselves to walk in the direction that I wanted to go in.

A Knight To RememberWhere stories live. Discover now