I felt a tingle

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As soon as I got back to my room I felt weird I touched my bracelet there was someone trapped in a house and that house was on fire I left fast but my clothes changed i was Wearing  a superhero costume when i got to the house I  flue in there was a old woman stuck under a couch help me the old woman said I  lifted up the couch and carried the old woman out wow cool everyone  was taking pictures of Me I love you all but I have to go she said as she flue off into the sky and went home she ran into Brad change me back she said what I thought you like being a superhero Brad said well I don't change me back now or I will tell everybody your here i said with anger well about that you still get to be a superhero till tomorrow then at 5:00 you have to say if you still want to be a superhero Brad said WHAT you better change me back NOW!!!! I said as I stormed out of the room I need to get started on a potion to turn her back Brad said as he left the lab he snuck to the front of the hospital and  took a rose petal and ran back to the lab  ok that was the last thing I need.Just then the announcements came on lights out all the guards will be out in the halls just in case you do something stupid good night  the next morning I heard wake up Emma wake up aaaahhhh I screamed and slapped brad in the face what the heck was that for brad said oh sorry I'm just really scared that something is going to  happened I am not taking that chance I said well that doesn't matter her drink this it will get rid of your powers brad said well I don't want to get rid of my powers any more I like helping and saving people I want to be a superhero I said ok well you need to go to the flag pole at 5:00 and say I want to be a superhero brad said ok that's in 2 hours I said I'll meet you there brad said      2HOURS LATER where is she there's five more minutes brad said ok I'm here lets get this over with I said I want to be a superhero with a flick of a light  brad was gone but how I ran to the stage brad was not there I ran to the lab brad was not there I looked around the hole hospital and brad was not there wired I checked the hole hospital and brad was not there weird the last place was the backyard I see brad holding flowers on a blanket with a sign that said will you go out with me um who's the girl I said its you brad said blushing oh um me um...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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