Chapter 4: Won Won!

Start from the beginning

"Yes, but my brain feels empty. Like someone just took my memories away."

"I'm sure its nothing."

"But what if it isn't? What if we're living in a whole other world and we're too oblivious to notice it!"

"What's gotten into you Ginny?" he asked. 

"Nothing. I'm fine." I sighed as I made out the outlines of a boy and a girl from far away but even though it was far away I could still see the bright fiery hair from all the way over here. I could see him about to turn around. 

"Is that -" I grabbed Harry's hand and pushed him in between the small space between two building I almost tripped following him but his arms held me up. Our heavy breathing filled the silence between the eerie buildings. I could hear footsteps. That's it. We're goners!

I dropped my head to Harry's chest as he brought me closer to him. 

Stay quiet.

What the bloody hell do you think I'm trying to do?

I could see his smile even though I wasn't looking at him. 

"Won Won! Where are you going?"

"Leave me alone Lavender. I could've sworn I saw Harry." he said. 

"Why do you always talk about your best friends? Its always Harry that or usually Hermione this. And Sometimes even Ginny. Won Won pay attention to me!" she exclaimed. 

"Shh." he said. My breathing got louder. 


I can't help it! If he finds us here.....he'll assume stuff. 

Like what?

Oh don't make me say it out loud.

Well technically you won't be. 

No Harry. You know exactly what I'm talking about.

He leaned down and I could feel his breathing right next to ear. My heart was literally beating out of my chest. 

"Are you sure about that?" His voice sent shivers down my body. I kind of liked it. No. You don't like it Ginny. Stop. He's your brother's best friend. 

What's Ron got to do with anything?

Damn you Harry.

I could feel my face burn up in flames and he quietly chuckled. 

I could hear Ron sigh from outside.

"Lavender. You're really annoying."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I like someone else. I think."


"I'm breaking up with you."

"Right then. I'll catch you later Won Won. We'll talk when your head is screwed on right because you obviously have no idea what you're talking about."

She walked away stomping. Wow that girl can't take a hint. Or even a breakup. 

"Bloody hell." I could hear Ron whisper. 

I stifled a laugh but didn't do too well because Ron noticed. 

"Who's there?" he said his voice cracking. 

Harry pushed me out into the open. 



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