Chapter six

Depuis le début

Amirah nodded in agreement, then looked around, "We should get going, who knows how long we've been gone."


Amirah had arrived outside of the dungeon, but Zaahira was nowhere to be seen. The dungeon hadn't disappeared yet, and Amirah wondered if the blonde somehow got lost on the way out. But that wouldn't make sense...she was right beside me... Amirah thought, looking around.

It was daylight, and the water was calm. Amirah looked out at the ocean. It seemed endless. Off in the distance, Amirah spotted a medium sized ship. From so far away, she couldn't see the sails, but she knew it wasn't a Sindrian ship.

Was someone else coming to capture the dungeon? That would be bad. Amirah hoped they weren't hostile.

"I guess I'll just wait and find out..." Amirah sighed, patting Akido's head.


"Amirah!" The princess jolted awake at the sound of her name.

"Zaahira?" She assumed, her voice tired. She's fallen asleep, bored from waiting so long. "You're out of the dungeon?"

"Yeah, it was really weird. I got caught in that place with the planet," Zaahira explained. "But there's this strange ship that docked when I got out and the dungeon disappeared. They said they were looking for you, but I couldn't find you so I called King Sinbad with the magic tool you gave me. He said he was sending a ship right away, but it's going to be a while."

"Wait, a strange ship?" Amirah echoed, still half asleep. "Oh! The ship! I saw it earlier." Amirah stood, finally waking up fully. "They're looking for me? Why?"

"I don't know," Zaahira spoke, her tone rushed. "but I think it's bad. We need to get out of the open."

"Alright," Amirah agreed. Akido, who had been sleeping beside her slithered over and wrapped himself around her leg. Amirah checked to make sure her new metal vessel was safe. Once assured she had everything, the nodded to Zaahira, "Let's go. There must be somewhere to hide nearby."

After a bit of searching, the pair found a small cave-like hole in the dirt under thick bushes. They hid there, Zaahira in the far back of the hold and Amirah more towards the front, both crouching low. They remained quiet, and a few moments later two people stopped right in front of the shrubs.

"How did we lose her? She was just here!" They were male, by the sound of their voice.

"I don't know," The other sighed angrily. "She's definitely from Sindria... we need to find her." This one was female, "She'll be angry if we come back empty handed."

The male winced at the thought, "She's gotta be around here somewhere."

"What do they want with Sindria?" Zaahira whispered.

"I'm not sure, but be quiet..." Amirah replied, not looking away from the strange pairs of boots before them.

"Hey, hey, hey. You hear that?" The male spoke.

"What?" His partner answered.

The male cautiously approached the bushes, smirking when he saw a hint of white hair, "Gotcha!"

Amirah cursed as the man violently yanked her and Zaahira from their hiding spot. "L-Let us go!"

"Nice work," The female commented.

The man chuckled, tightening his grip on the squirming pair in his arms, "Who knew they were right under our noses."

"Let Princess Amirah go, you prick!" Zaahira yelled, struggling more.

"Princess, huh?" The man noted. He looked at Amirah, "Princess of what? Whores?"

"No, look at the snake." The woman spoke. Amirah noticed she had a black mask and hood on, concealing her face entirely. "She's from Heliohapt."

"Oh? Perfect." The man smiled down at Amirah. "She'll be pleased."

Several questions raced through Amirah's mind, but she had no time to think. With her free arm she peeled Akido off of her and threw him at the man. Now angered, Akido hissed and wrapped around the man's neck, restricting himself and cutting off the man's oxygen.

The male dropped the females and Amirah screamed, "Zaahira, run!" She went to move herself, but was stopped dead as something hard hit the back of her neck. The last thing she saw was Zaahira grabbing Akido and sprinting away, before everything faded to black.


Author's note-

Aaaaannnddd things go horribly 


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