As I made it to the music hall, I smiled as I heard the sound of music filling the hallway. Don't mistake that for the movie though, I actually mean like instruments. I walked into the open door that was meant to be the advance music class and saw the two girls from before sitting at the front with their music notes already on a stand and their instruments of choice by them. I could hear someone playing the piano that stood proudly at the front of the class, though I couldn't see who it was. I took a seat in the back, definitely not wanting to be noticed by anyone. As I pulled out my music book though, I should have seriously thought about dropping out of the class when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up for a moment, noted that whoever was playing the piano had stopped, but then noticed an all too familiar girl leaning against the piano itself. 'Oh, come on!' I screamed in my head as I leaned against my chair in annoyance.

 "So, you're in this class as well, eh?" Piper asked in an all too cocky tone.

 "Maybe not for long." I said as I slumped in my chair. I heard her laugh as the room filled even more. I looked around, seeing if anyone was in my previous classes. I watched as Piper strolled on over to my area. 'Kill me...' "Can you just leave me alone, Piper?"" I whispered so that only she could hear. She raised a brow to me with a smirk on her face. 'I hate my life...'

"What are you doing?" I heard an all too familiar voice say behind her. I watched as Piper's eyes close in annoyance as she turned around to greet the woman. I looked around the annoying girl's frame and couldn't be even more surprised to see who the woman was. There stood that girl that I met in the garden the other night!

 "So I guess the rumor was true after all, huh Alex?" Piper said as she crossed her arms. Alex was about to say something when she noticed that I was sitting behind her sister. Alex moved Piper out of the way, earning a scoff as she turned on me. Alex walked closer with a smile on her face as she looked down at me. I blushed as I waved to her.

"I was hoping you'd be in this class. It's good to see you again, Kyla." Alex said as she smiled. I smiled back as I nodded slowly. Alex looked back at her sister the same smile.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Piper said with an annoyed look towards me.

"Calm down and we'll talk about this after class, for now just go take a seat." Alex said as she walked over to the group of girls who seemed to be losing their minds at seeing her. I looked back to Piper that had a look that basically screamed 'How the fuck do you know my sister?!' I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I averted my eyes, noticing that she stomped her foot on the floor as she moved to the corner seat far across the room. I smiled as I tapped my pencil along the edge of my music stand. I watched as Alex, the amazing and extremely talented woman, laugh with her ex schoolmates. But I couldn't help the feeling that a very pissed off girl from across the room was... well glaring at me. I ran a hand through my hair as I took a glance over to her. This of course was a horrible mistake because the minute my eyes laid on hers I received a lovely look of hatred and the bird. I sighed as I moved my eyes back to her older sister, who was also staring at me too. However.... The look she was giving me as she listened to the silly girls asking bunches of questions, well I couldn't really figure it out, but I was most definitely giving me butterflies.

Class was both awkward and well... amazing. Alex started the class off by playing a piece that she had written on the piano. It last probably a good five minutes and I was in awe from the whole duration of the beautifully composed song. However, the whole awkward feelings that I felt throughout class were caused by the grumpy bitch named Piper. The whole time, I knew she was throwing me death stares, why I don't even know. Why doesn't she like her sister? She seemed amazing to me! I couldn't wait to do the homework assignment either. Which is odd.... because I hated homework.

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