Fall Fall Falling Down

Start from the beginning

"You're right. I'm better."

Anna left without another word, eyes narrowed and quiet. Bitter.

I tried to focus on breakfast, eating the eggs, and if Anna poisoned them, I would already be dead. Right? I lost my appetite. My stomach growled in protest. It's almost time. I found a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I brush my hair and my teeth, and stall for as long as I can.

When I can't pace my bedroom any longer, I wait outside the dungeon for Castiel. The hours get later and later, and I'm left wondering where the hell Castiel is. I'm hungry and should have eaten breakfast, but I'll stick this out.

Castiel graces us with his presence near nightfall. He grins when he sees me. "Ready for the party to start? I had to get things in order for us all." He gestures to the guards. "Get them. Let's go."

          The guards move down the stairs, their boots loud and stomping against the cement. I knew without a doubt that Lainey would not have been able to help. Instead, I promised myself not to throw myself at Xavier when he comes upstairs.

         Both Oscar and Xavier look a little beaten up. The left side of Xie's face was a little swollen, and still bloody, as if Oscar had hit him. Repeatedly. "Xavier!" His name on my lips. I wanted to get to to him, but the guards were blocking my path.

           "Ariel. Ariel!" Xavier struggles with his guards.

           "Struggle all you want. Your fight is useless." Castiel sneers. "Time to go." There was a finality in his voice that suggested they would not be coming back.

I tried to get closer to Xavier, but the guards wouldn't let me. We were taken out of the castle, led down the mountain and Charon was waiting for us on a slightly larger boat.

"Pl-please, I'll do anything you ask. Anything, Castiel. I'll stay away- "

Castiel grins. "Just telling me what I want to hear, eh? Right. I think your opportunity for saving has come and gone, Xie." When Castiel uses the nickname, Xavier scowls. I narrow my eyes. How could Xavier stay away from me after all we've been through? "Being saved will depend upon only Ariel. Only she can save you." He has a wicked glint to his eyes.

I turn away. I have thought about it. But I . . . I can't do it. How should I know that Castiel won't drop Xavier into Tartarus as soon as I agree? I want a deal first.

We each get on the boat, and guards follow us on. Castiel drops a small sack into Charon's hands, and he doesn't bother counting it. He simply tucks it away into his pocket, and starts to move the boat.

Oscar and Jasmine have their hands tied behind their backs, and their mouths duct taped (Castiel had said they were being rather annoying, begging), and the boat ride was long and filled with Xavier begging.

"Look, Reyes, I love hearing this. If I wanted to, I could get you on your knees, like you had Ariel on hers."

I scowl.

"Don't talk about her that way." My knight in shining armor coming to my rescue. Always protecting me, even when he shouldn't, even when he's scared. I could see the fear in his eyes. Castiel loved to play with it, and he would ride this out for as long as he could.

Castiel narrows his eyes. "I'll talk about her however I want."

"Enough." I spit. "That's enough." The rocking boat was starting to make me sick. My empty stomach churned. I see red. If I ate any of Anna's breakfast, I would have thrown it up into the Styx (there's a first time for everything). A thin layer of sweat glistens on my forehead, and the boat rocks farther along, and the waves get bumpier.

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