I'll Make You Pay

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I think I passed out after Angelique left.

Either way, when I awoke, dried blood caked my chest, and my collarbone hurt. When I tried to sit up, my entire shoulder aches and a headache seems to threaten right behind my eyes. I don't feel so hot this morning. I feel every ache and pain and despite her warning, I still yearn to see Xavier and tell him what happened.

'Stubborn' appears on the other side of 'lust'. Glowing itchy letters.

I make a weak attempt for the bathhouse, and draw my bath. Samson's presence was absent this morning, and well noted. When I woke up, there was a glass of water and a note on my nightstand. It was written in a woman's curvy handwriting. 'Team meeting. 5 o' clock. Usual spot. We've got to talk'.

I crumpled the note and threw it in the garbage can.

I've been wearing trousers lately, and today is no exception. I miss wearing jeans, and I don't have a pair here. But Castiel does. And he'd probably know where to get them.

As I made my way to the bath house, I can hear giggling from around the corner. I inch closer as that laughter continues, and look around the bend. Castiel and Jasmine. Castiel has been laughing. His neck and part of his face is covered with kisses. He's touching her face and her back is against the wall. Her arms are around him. His are around her. I watch their lips meet, and turn silently to return the other way.

I'm caked with blood. My blood. It's on my hands, on my arms and neck. I can't have them see me like this. I don't want them to know what happened. I don't want them pretending to care. And despite seeing Castiel kissing Jasmine, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

Feeling very anxious as I enter, I'm glad that the bath-house is seemingly empty.

I draw the bath, scrub the blood off and slip into the water. My skin is rubbed raw and red and I make my finger trace over the crooked letter 'A'. 'A' for Angelique. More like A for asshole.

She made sure that it would definitely scar.

Grabbing one of the scented rags, I rub myself red until I start crying. I don't feel safe here; so out in the open anymore. I don't even feel safe in my bedroom. Everything I've done so far just seems to backfire on me. I couldn't even keep Castiel's attention on me - not that I wanted it, anyway.

Angelique's words ring back to me, and although I know that I should, I feel a desperate longing to see him. Everything that happened last night finally comes back to me, and I feel the need - not only to apologize - but to tell him about what happened with Angelique.

Option number two? I could face Angelique myself. I could devise a plan to make sure that she was watching, and I could make her jealous enough to fight with her while I was sober.

Hurting a competitor is forbidden.

I wouldn't sell out Angelique that easily. It had to be done publicly; where it will show who she really is.

She will have major consequences.

I dress quickly; making sure that the rather large 'A' on my chest is well-hidden beneath a sweater. My stomach growls, and I think about making a detour to the kitchen. At least Anna would be happy to see me. She would understand, and I needed to talk to someone about what happened.

My stomach growls, and as I skip along to the kitchen, I hope that I don't see another competitor or anyone else.

My inflated ego has been hurt, and it needed fixing.

I knock on the kitchen window; waving my hand in front of it as a familiar face comes to let me in. "Permission to speak?" Samson asks.

Annoyed, "yes. I'm looking for Anna."

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