The paramedics busted through the doors and wheeled a stretcher out of it. Lyra's dark hair cascaded off the side.

I ripped myself away from the police man, "Let me go! Let go of me! Thats Lyra! That's my daughter!"

He lost his hold on me and I stumbled to the side of the stretcher. Blood covered Lyra's torso and leaked over the sides of the stretcher.

"Lyra?! Lyra honey? Oh god. Wake up, please wake up," I begged, bending over her and hurrying along with the medics.

I cupped her pale face, "Lyra? Why won't she wake up?"

"Major blood loss. Step aside sir," A woman said. They bent the sides of the stretcher and pushed it into the ambulance we'd reached.

"I'm her father. I'm coming," I declared and climbed in with them, grasping Lyra's bloody hand.

Looking out the doors, I saw Nathan sprint out of the warehouse, his sister following him. Two police officers had to hold him back as he screamed Lyra's name. Not caring who they were, he pushed through the officers and tried to fight them off.

I wanted to cover my ears at the sound of his broken voice yelling my daughters name.

A bloody handprint was smeared on his cheek and tears streaked lines through it. More police officers were called over when he almost broke through. They made him drop to his knees and he looked at me with pure pain in his eyes.

The doors were slammed in my face but I watched out the window. Ally dipped to the ground beside him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

I was brought back to the chaos of the ambulance.

"BP is seventy two over sixty, I want a bag of fluid right now," A nurse said from beside Lyra.

She looked at me, "Sir, what blood type does your daughter have?"

"U-uh um. A negative..." I mumbled and she plowed on.

"Call the hospital and tell them I need AB negative being warmed and ready when we arrive. Sir, is she allergic to any medicines?" She barked and then turned to me.

I shook my head, "No."

"I need some hydroxyethyl starch on the drip right now," She said and poked Lyra's arm with a needle.

They held pressure on the wound, going through wads and wads of gauze. I don't know how long it was until we reached the hospital. I followed them out to the entrance.

"I want Dr.Cameron on call. Get me on the phone with Surgeon Lenard. ICU has rooms? Prep me one," A nurse ran up to us and started asking for vitals.

"Sir, you need to step back," Another nurse held up her hands and blocked my path. I watched over her shoulder as they wheeled Lyra down the hall, away from me.

"B-but that's my daughter, she's my daughter," I whispered to her desperately.

"Okay, that's fine. I'll have you sign some things then while you're here," She turned to look behind her and then handed me a clipboard.

"What are these for?" I asked softly.

"Our records. Just bring the papers to Gena here when your done, the waiting room is over there," She pointed behind me with a little, sympathetic smile.

I looked over my shoulder and then back at her. She nodded and went back behind the desk. I blinked and my legs started moving without me telling them to. I sat down in one of the waiting chairs and started to make out the papers, even if my handwriting looked like a five year olds because of my shaking hands.

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