Chapter Twenty Eight

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Logan and I have been stuck in this basement for three days with no food. I think I am going to die.

Plus, Logan hasn't spoken a word to me.

"Logan," I say, breaking the silence, "why are they after me?"

"You don't know?" He questions me. I shake my head.

"It's because you have a glass heart," he explains, "it's not really a glass heart.  It's just a metaphor. But if someone takes it out, and they smash it; it shatters like glass. That's why it's called a glass. It's very rare.  And if you do have a glass heart, you can do very special things. And you are a very special girl, Sage."

My cheeks flush red.

"How do you know someone has a glass heart?" I ask.

"They have silver eyes." Logan gestures to my eyes. I look away.

I am about to ask him more, when the door creaks open.

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