Chapter 5

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It isn't a work day if it doesn't start with an argument with Ming, my disgusting co-worker at the Caffeine Lab. Statistically speaking, tall guys are more attractive, but that's not the case for him. He's a loathsome giraffe disguised in oily long hair, cracked lips and ungroomed beard. I sincerely apologize to giraffes; they are adorable creatures.

Perhaps Ming is a genetically-crossed species created from a failed experiment secretly launched by a group of science maniac. His stand-alone existence can make a horror movie, like the one with the demonic sheep ripping living fleshes into pieces.

It annoys me to hell that his dirty green rumpled pants never cover his ankles. The last thing I want to see at breakfast time is his emaciated ankles. They spoil my appetite in no time.

"Creep, back off!" Chewing a soggy chocolate chip cookie remained from yesterday, slouching by the counter, I growl at Ming as he stands inappropriately close behind Naira, who is steadily pouring steamed milk into a cup of espresso in full concentration to create her signature latte art like magic.

You know right away that she's a real artist when her wrist wobbles leisurely, as though there is music guiding her pace. Ming always wants to copy her skill, too dumb to understand it can't be learnt through observation.

"Shut up! I'm checking if she needs my help," Ming refutes me, stepping back in a flinch, like a pickpocket caught red-handed.

"Oh really?" Raising my brows, I taunt him. "You sure you're not scheming a sexual harassment?"

Being angered, he jabs a finger at me.

"One more word from you and I'll report to Roger," he snaps as if a comical giraffe can threaten me.

"Yeah? Pass this to Roger for me." I flip a middle finger but Naira, always the peacemaker between me and Ming, blocks my hand.

"Stop it, Xue. It's not worth it. That's not you." With a stern voice, She chides like a teacher.

"But I'm starting to love this side of me," I chirp while Ming leaves the counter, shooting daggers at me.

"You act like a bully." Passing me the cup of coffee, she judges me quite harshly. I inhale the scent, refreshed in an instant.

"Come on! He's the one bullying us. Remember he commented you brown and me ghostly pale?"

"We are better than him. You know that. You can't vent your own frustration on him every time."

"That's so not true!" I protest, "you are being too amiable. Trust me, you can't bear a day with him if I'm not standing up for you. And who says I have any frustration?"

She shoots me a glare as if she has already scanned my brain like an X-ray. "Spill it, sister."

"It's nothing serious. Just a fight with Grandma." My answer certainly does not satisfy her since she's still giving me a distrustful look.

I sigh and take an angry bite of my cookie, "It's Jin."

"Your estranged brother again?"

"He's not my brother!" I interject while Naira raises her hand to shield her eyes for my mouth is spraying cookie crumbs at her, "I've told you like a million times."

"But you live with him." She turns to the other side of the counter and inspects the stock on the wooden shelves.

"That doesn't make him my brother." An elder brother should be more protective, responsible and caring while Jin is nothing like that, and I appreciate how he never tries to be.

My feelings for Jin are contradictory at times. I care about him as much as I hate him. But I never confuse him as a brother. Not a single moment that I consider him as a family. We are more like...friends.

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