2. Escape

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     As soon as the bat landed, it loosened its grip on Tal enough to allow her to escape. She readied the dagger praying to the gods this wouldn't be her final moment. Her heart beat faster than ever as the bat moved in more and more. She could feel his warm breath getting hotter and hotter. The bat let out a small shriek causing Tal to jump back even further. "This can't be the way I die!" she screamed as she slashed at the air hoping to drive the bat backwards. The bat pressed on sensing the fear in its prey.

     "Obik, Ekim! Find a stone and take out the amulet!" Veil commanded. The giant pair stopped and reached to the ground for stones. The managed to find a few and took aim at Raktan, who was now more than furious.

     "Guards! Soldiers! Kill the combatants!" he began to yell out in rage. He was about to turn when a stone struck him squarely in the shoulder, causing him to recoil as another stone found it's home in Raktan's head. He tumbled over the balcony he stood upon and into the arena a few feet in front of the pair of hulking creatures who were now closing the distance between them and himself. Terror began to set in as he realized he was now in the same arena as three of the former most powerful commanders in the army. Raktan started to crawl away, but didn't get far as he was lifted off the ground and a dragonborn reached for the amulet hanging by his neck.

     "Let's get this over with. How do we dispell this?" Ekim's scathing voice tore through and struck greater fear into the sad little man. Raktan started muttering something in draconic while clutching the amulet.

      "Oy! No magic except the no magic spell!" Obik yelled shaking the man.

     "It's alright. I understand what he's saying. The amulet must be a draconic heritage." Ekim said, never taking his sharp yellow eyes away from the man. Soldiers began to enter the arena. "Hurry!" he shouted raising a fist.

     The bat closed in on Tal using its speed against her. She was backed into a wall with no means of escape. Soon the bat was upon her and snapping its jaws. Flames and saliva were dripping from the bats mouth as it stood over Tal's prone, struggling body. Then the bat shook as a large "thud" shook the bat. It turned around as it saw a human and a tiefling, the latter of which was holding a stone. Veil jumped onto the back of the large beast. Tal saw her opening when she saw the human on the bat. She lunged upward at the bat's vulnerable chest with the dagger and struck home. She didn't hit the beast's heart, but still left the poor beast with a wound it wouldn't recover from for a while.

     "Come on you damn beast!" Veil yelled as he struggled to keep his hold on the bat. His punches weren't weak by any means but the bat had much worse wounds to keep its attention as the dagger left its body.  It turned it's attention back to Tal on the ground.

     "Traitor! Use this!" Dezierae yelled as she chucked a stone. Veil caught the rock and brought it down as hard as he could on the bat's spine. With a satisfying "crack" the creature shrieked reeling its head.

     "I need that dagger now!" Veil yelled out as he brought the rock down again on the bat.

    "Here then!" Tal yelled as she threw the dagger up. The spinning pinwheel of light caught Veil's eye. He dropped the rock, started running on the bat in hopes to reach the dagger. His arm outstretched as he jumped off the bats head.

     "Finish the damn spell now!" Obik screamed into Raktan's ear.

     "...Thric thurgix arcaniss!" Raktan finished. His amulet glowed bright yellow and magic burst into the arena once again. A cold blast of ice broke Raktan from Obik's grasp and froze him to the ground and continued to blast him there. Ekim was using his dragon's breath, a power known by all dragonborn people. His was an icy blast of cold magic.

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