"You'll survive. It's good to socialize every once in a while. Just take a deep breath, and try to be a little less insufferable. For me?" The blue-eyed blonde begged with an adorable pout.

"Okay, stop. Fine, I'll be nice. But I'm doing this for you okay? Don't expect me to talk a lot though."

"Whipped." Clarke cheekily replied just before Camila returned, another brunette in tow. Immediately the blonde recognized the photographer. "Octavia, fancy meeting you here."

"Hey friend, how have you been? It's been a few months since we've worked together. Model life still treating you well?" The taller girl asked interestedly.

"For now it is. I still miss being on the field, but at least I still have a foot in the game this way. Other than that, Lexa's been keeping me young and New York always has something fun to offer. You?"

Taking a satisfied breath as she sat down beside Camila, Octavia took a minute to take stock of recent weeks. "Life has been slow lately, but I don't mind much. Shorty and I just finished a shoot today, so that was good. I haven't been looking for work really, more focused on personal projects."

The conversation went quiet after that, no one able to think of a topic to focus on. It wasn't awkward, but Clarke hated the silence. She made meaningful eye contact with Lexa, pleading with her to say something. After a bit of light encouragement and a fist being violently shaken in her general direction the fighter gave in. Angling her body towards Camila, Lexa awkwardly asked, "So, what's a model like you doing in a stadium like this?" Face palm. Things officially became awkward. Fuck, this could not get any worse. To top it all off, Clarke gave her a look that could melt the Arctic icecaps.

"Uh, I'm here because one of the fighters is sponsored by the same company as I am. Her name's Lauren I think? Anyway, they wanted the publicity for the event." Camila responded somewhat stunned. There wasn't enough time for anyone to try and selvage the conversation because the announcer came on over the speakers.

"In the blue corner we have, weighting in at one-hundred and forty pounds, at Five-foot-six, Lauren 'The Hellhound' Jauregui!" After a moment of letting the crowd get rowdy, the male booming voice returned. "Aaand in the red corner, at one-hundred and thirty pounds, standing at five-foot-three is Raven 'The Mechanic' Reyes!" Soon after, "Bitch Better Have My Money" by Rhianna started to blare over the sound system signalling the entrance of the Hellhound. The audience became even more excited as she stalked her way slowly to the ring, taking her time to warm up. Once she reached her corner, "We Own It" by 2 Chainz defended the crowd. Raven entered the stadium looking cocky as ever. She quickly hopped to the ring, eager to get the fight underway while she still had the adrenaline from the crowd coursing in her veins. Tonight was important for her.

Both trainers pulled their fighters aside to give them a pep talk. Image was everything, they were reminded, give the public what they want and both of the girls would make more money off of the night. Make the bruises worth your while was the jest of it. After their trainers put their two cents worth in, they made eye contact. Outside of the stadium, these women were basically sisters. But right now, they had to act like opponents. No better way to give the crowd what they want than starting a verbal sparring match just before punches were thrown.

"Eh, Reyes." Lauren called out to the younger fighter.

"What you want Jauregui?" Raven retorted, trying not to loose focus.

"Want to get a gag real going to hype up the stands?"

The lightweight chuckled and smiled evilly, knowing that this would be a fun way to build up. "Sure thing. Want me to start it off?"

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