"Yes but-"

I held up a finger, "Do you hear that?"

He cocked his head to the side, "Hear what?"

The whine of sirens got louder and I grinned, "They're here! It's about to begin!"

A look of shock came over Richard, "What? Already? What time is it?"

"It's eleven forty five, but who cares about time. We've got this," I shrugged and walked over to my bags.

I had to get ready to go so we could leave at a moments notice. I peeked out a window to see many police cars pull up to the warehouse. Excitement coursed through my veins as I saw a black S.W.A.T van pull up.

Out of one of the police cars, David came out of. I smiled at his distressed features. Why was he so worried? This is going to work out fine. The noise of blades beating the air was heard, albeit that it was the helicopter we were to get on for our escape.

Darting out the door, despite my brother yelling at me, I hurried down the hall and knocked on Lyra's door.

"Do you hear that? That's the sound of your freedom and mine. Think you can stay still for that long?" I giggled, pressing my ear against the door.

There was some muffle noises.

"And I suppose you're going to be quiet  too?" I joked.

"Oh! And guess what? Your daddy's here now! Isn't that wonderful?! It means he's brought the money," I said happily. There was some more muffled noises and I knew she was struggling.

"Well. I guess this is our official goodbye. I just want you to know, you're a bitch and I'm so glad I'm leaving you here with a gun pointed at you," I said sweetly and darted back to the room Richard and I were waiting in.

"Are you packed?" I asked him.

"What? Oh, yes. I'm ready, everything is ready," He turned to me briefly.

We watched a clock start to countdown. I happily watched it sit a minute till noon. Richard got out the laptop and set it in front of him. He turned it on and exactly at noon, started to FaceTime David. It didn't take long for him to answer.

"Hello? Yes?" He positioned the camera.

Richard had a face of steel on as I stood in the background, "Hello David. So do you have what we require?"

David let the camera show a bunch of brief cases in the trunks of two police cars. I wondered how we were going to transport that.

"And the helicopter, with the free passes."

"The chopper is in waiting for you on the roof. We're sorry it's small, but it'll take you anywhere you want to go. The pilot is not to be harmed," A man said, holding up two tickets to anywhere.

"Good. Take all of the cases and place them in the elevator. Press the forth floor button. If anything else happens that are not in these instructions, I will make sure Lyra pays for it," Richard snapped.

They all nodded and gave the order to take the cases to the elevator. Richard electronically unlocked the doors and allowed them to come inside. He pulled out two very large duffel bags. As soon as the cases were in the elevator and the police had cleared out, Richard took me to the elevator.

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