Happy St. Patty's Day!

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Sup guys! I hope you're all wearing green. I actually forgot it was St. Patrick's day until we were about to leave the house and my sister started yelling at everyone to wear green.

I am now on spring break, and I will try to update, but I have to work on an essay on Fallopian tube cancer (I love saying that, just try it, it's great), and I need to plan out a board lay out for a different project. But I promise I will try to do what I can.

I wanna thank you all for reads and votes and supportive comments on this book. It means so much to me. I remember starting this book not thinking anyone would read it or like it, and this just blows my mind. In June, it will have been a year since I started this book. This is just amazing. I love and appreciate you guys so much! Thank you. M'kay.


Ps. Yes that's me, but my face is not very aesthetically pleasing so... Ya get my mouth down.

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