Sodapop Imagine for @ima_hooked_pangirl

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For ima_hooked_pangirl I'm gonna try something different. This is gonna be where you're both like 8 or 9. Just bear with me.

"Higher! Push me higher, Soda!" you laughed, holding onto the chains of the swing. Your neighbor, Sodapop, walked you to the park after school because you hadn't had the best day.

"I'm trying, Maia!" he huffed, playfully. "I don't know of I can get you any higher. I heard that if you go too high on them swings that you'll go 'round and 'round the swing set until your head falls off from spinning so much."

Your eyes grew wide. "STOP ME! Soda, please stop the swing! I don't want my head to fall off!" You waited until the swing slowed down a little before jumping right off.

Soda was on the ground laughing. "Oh! Maia, you shoulda seen your face! You were so scared. I really had you going there."

"SODAPOP PATRICK CURTIS! I'm gonna tell your mama that you've been telling me stories," you threatened, turning away from him and crossing your arms across your chest. You made sure you flipped your brown hair to make sure he knew that you meant business.

"Aw! Come on, I was just playing," he pleaded. "Don't tell my mom, please! I promise I won't do it again. I'm sorry, Maia." He walked over until he was right behind you.

You turned around, and your nose nearly touched his cheek. He was a good inch or two taller than you, so if you looked straight in front of you, your eyes met the bridge of his nose. He had a real sorry look on his face.

"Are you really sorry?" you asked, just to mess with him. You narrowed your eyes, to emphasize your words.

He nodded his head emphatically. "Uh huh!"

You smirked, evilly. "Well, okay, but first..." you smacked his arm, "you're it!" You turned and bolted as fast as you could across the playground.

There was a little section of bushes and trees, and you stooped down behind one to hide. You were panting from sprinting. You had relaxed a bit and were about to look around the bush for Soda, when someone grabbed you from behind.

"Got you! You're it now," Soda exclaimed, spinning you around, before plopping you back on the ground.

You pouted from your position on the grass. He smiled and sat down beside you, slinging one arm over your shoulders. He turned his head to face you, and you two just kind of stared at each other for a bit. You had never really realized how cute he was. Next thing you knew, you were kissing each other.

He pulled away and gave you a shy smile. "You know, Maia, you dig okay. For a girl."

You playfully punched his arm. "And you're not too bad. For a boy."

You both laughed. You played tag on the way home, and you never did ever get around to telling his mom about teasing you. Years later, after you both had gone through some various relationships, you ended up his girl. After all, you were his first kiss.

Like I said before, this is a new technique, but I think it turned out alright. I just hope you think so. Please tell me what you thought, and thank you for requesting. This is the first Soda imagine I've had requested, so yeah. I didn't mind writing this one bit (PS I'm a Soda girl, so I really enjoyed this one).

Sorry, again, for my updates being so behind, but I only get internet at school, and I had fall break for these past two weeks, so no internet. I'll probably end up updating like a bunch at a time, so expect like 4 updates at one time. M'kay.


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