31:Darry Imagine pt 1

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I've realized I don't have many Darry imagines either. I suck at consistency.

In high school, you were a free spirit. You were what would be considered a hippie before hippies were a thing in Tulsa. Obviously, everyone thought you were a weirdo. Halfway through senior year, you ran away to California, by hitch hiking and even walking part of the way.

Now, 10 years later, you had no money, a 9 year old daughter named Sky, and currently moving back in with your parents in Tulsa.

When you pulled in front of the house you had grown up in, you noticed someone on the roof.

"Uh... Mom, why is there a man on your parents' house?" Sky asked, with a semi-mortified look on her face.

You two had lived on the streets of San Francisco for the past year and a half, so she wasn't used to the small town dynamic.

"He's probably a roofer, Blue," you replied, using your nickname for her. "And they're your grandparents, not just my parents. You will call them Gran and Grandpa. Do you understand?"

She sighed. "Yes, ma'am."

You both got out of the car and grabbed the one suitcase of the only things you two owned. You got through the welcome homes and introductions, as your parents had never met Sky, painlessly. You were shown to your rooms and got settled in.

Once you had your few possessions in order, you returned to the family room. As you passed the front door, you noticed someone standing there.

It was the guy that had wen working on the roof, and he looked very familiar.

"Y/N? I didn't know you were back," the man stated, smiling in a surprised manner. He must have noticed your slightly confused look because he then continued. "Oh, right. I'm Darrel Curtis. We went to high school together, remember?"

It dawned on you. Of course, that was why you had recognized him; you two had gone to school together since kindergarten. He had been a big shot football player back in high school, an you were the weirdo girl that had a passion for nature.

"Oh my goodness! Of course I remember," you exclaimed. "My, you haven't aged a bit, have you?"

He laughed. "Same goes. You're still as beautiful as you were in high school." He flashed you a smile.

You could feel a slight blush rush to your cheeks. "Quite the charmer, aren't you?"

"Hey, Mom, Grandpa wanted to know if the roofing guy's done," Sky informed you, when she had found you.

"You can tell him that I am," Darrel answered. "You must be Y/N's daughter. I'm Darrel, but you can call me Darry. I went to school with your mom." He put his hand out to Sky.

She looked at his hand skeptically before giving it a weak shake. "Sky, but you can call my mom sometime." She smirked before running out of the doorway back into the house.

"Sky Lavender Y/L/N!" you yelled after her. You turned to Darry, who was clearly holding back a laugh. "I'm sorry about her. She's a handful."

"Oh, I understand. I took care if my two younger brothers after my parents passed." His face we not so cheerful anymore.

"I'm sorry," you apologized, genuinely but awkwardly at the same time.

Just then, your dad came to the door. "Thank you again, Darrel. That leak was really getting on my nerves, and I'm not what I used to be." He paid Darry, as you waved bye to him and went into the house.

"I think Mom's got a boyfriend already, Grandma," you heard Sky say.

I realized how long this was, and it was mostly about her. I will put part two ASAP. I've missed writing so much, and I've been writing in most if my free time. M'kay.


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