Chapter 11

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Cas pulls up to Charlie's house and honks his horn. She shuffles out wearing jeans that hug her figure, a Harry Potter shirt, and a bright yellow jacket.

"Cheer up," Cas pokes at her side as she slides into the passenger seat. "We're celebrating, no frowns faces." She smiles softly.

"She hasn't called me in three days." Charlie sighs.

"Maybe it's for the best, someone even better is probably out there waiting for you." Cas pats her arm affectionately and starts the car. Charlie stares out the window with a thoughtful look on her face.

Cas pulls up to their favorite bar. They go to their usual spot at the bar. They order their drinks.

"Charlie, please perk up, for me." Cas sighs.

"Sorry," Charlie sighs.

They sip at their drinks, Charlie drinking more than usual.

"Um, hi." A woman walks up to Charlie and Cas. She has soft brown hair pulled back into a low ponytail. She's wearing loose jeans, a white blouse, and a tan jacket over that.

"I see you guys in this bar all the time, I finally got the courage to say hi. Mostly cause I noticed you haven't come in in a while and I was a bit concerned." She directs her words mostly to Charlie and she seems a bit nervous.

Cas realizes he has seen her here nearly every time they come in, even the last couple of times when he was just with Dean.

"Charlie here is just dealing with a breakup," Cas explains.

"Oh, I'm sorry to ear that." The woman looks concerned.

"No, it's fine," Charlie waves off her sympathy. "She moved, I'm sure it wouldn't have worked out anyways."

"Oh," the woman nods. "It's Charlie, right?"

"Yeah," Charlie eyes the woman.

"I'm Dorothy," the woman holds out her hand.

"As in Wizard of Oz?" Charlie smiles as she shakes the woman's hand.

"Yes, as in Wizard of Oz." Dorothy chuckles.

"Lovely to meet you, Dorothy of Oz." Charlie looks a bit brighter than she has since Gilda left.

"So what brings you back?" Dorothy asks.

"Well, Cas found out he and his husband qualify to adopt a child, so we're out celebrating." Charlie jerks her thumb to Cas.

"Oh, if you're celebrating, let me order a round of shots." Dorothy beckons the bartender and asks for three shots.

"Where's the husband?" Dorothy asks as they get their shots.

"He's out of town, me and him are going to have our own little celebration when he gets back." Cas explains. They all throw back their glasses. Charlie grimaces at the taste of the drink. But Cas and Dorothy take it without complaint.

They all drink for a couple hours, each taking turns buying drinks. By then they are all pretty drunk.

"Shh, hold on guys," Cas says shushing the giggling girls. He picks up his buzzing phone. "Dean's calling." He it takes a couple tries, but he slides the bar at the bottom, answering the phone.

"Hello, Dean." Cas answers.

"Hey, you alright there?" Dean notes the slurring tone in Cas' voice.

"Of course, I'm alright, I'm wonderful. I miss you though." Cas sighs.

"How much have you been drinking?" Dean inquires.

"Enough to get me drunk." Cas replies. "So I found out you were keeping a secret, Dean Winchester." Cas says sternly.

"Oh, crap, I'm so sorry, I thought I closed it. I didn't want you to see it," Dean starts rambling.

"I'm talking about the adoption," Cas frowns. "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing," Dean says quickly. "How'd you find out?" Dean changes the subject. Cas' drunken self doesn't notice as he goes into the story of Anna contacting him. He is smiling widely.

"That's great, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I wanted it to be a surprise. I didn't realize we would get a call back so soon." Dean says through the phone.

"It's okay, me and Charlie were celebrating. I think we're gonna go home soon though." Cas notices that Charlie is yawning widely beside him. Dorothy giggles at her.

"You better not even think about driving!" Dean exclaims through the phone.

"I'm not that stupid," Cas rolls his eyes, but his face goes red as he puts the keys back into his pocket.

"Okay, sure, stay on the phone, and don't move from that spot." Dean commands. The line goes silent as Dean puts him on hold.

"Hey, I'm going home with Dorothy," Charlie giggles.

"My place is like two blocks from here." Dorothy tells him, grabbing Charlie's hand.

"Night, Cas!" Charlie kisses his cheek and stumbles out after Dorothy.

"Babe, you there?" Dean returns.

"Duh," Cas scoffs. "Where else am I gonna go?"

"I was just making sure," Dean takes a deep breath. "Sam is on his way to get you, so you better keep your pretty little ass in that spot and don't make any moves." Dean demands.

"Them how am I supposed to breath?" Cas asks sassily. "Or talk to you."

"You know what I mean." Dean chuckles. They chat for twenty minutes.

"Hey, Cas." A hand touches his shoulder.

Cas turns and sees an overgrown man with long brown hair.

"Sam!" Cas smiles and hugs his brother-in-law. "Dean, Sam's here," Cas speaks into the phone.

"Okay, he's gonna take you home, don't be a butt." Dean tells Cas.

"Yes, sir!" Cas salutes. "Goodnight, I love you." He hangs up the phone.

"Alright, let's get out of here." Sam grabs Cas' arm and goes to lead him out.

"Wait, where's my phone?" Cas exclaims, looking back at the bar. Sam holds back laughter.

"It's in your hand, Cas." He says gently.

"Oh right," Cas laughs, "silly me."

Sam takes him to the car. As he drives, Cas bounces excitedly in his seat.

"Me and Dean are gonna have a kid, well not have it as in get pregnant, but like as in adoption!" Cas says happily.

"That's great, I'm happy for you guys." Cas doesn't realize that Sam already knew this information.

Once at his house, Sam helps him inside and to his room.

"I'll be by in the morning with the car," Sam explains. "Night, Cas." He waves and leaves him alone.

Cas lays back in his bed, fully clothed form his night. He falls asleep quickly.

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