Chapter 34

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Cas wakes the next morning sore and alone. At the end of the bed is a folded shirt and pants. Cas slips on the clothes slowly and carefully. Any movements send pain erupting in his abdomen. All of his other belongings are no where to be seen.

The door to the hotel room opens and Dean slips in.

"Hey, you're up." Dean smiles softly. He approaches Cas. His hand runs gently along Cas' jawline.

"How bad do I look?" Cas groans.

"You look fine. I packed your things in the car, we're leaving as soon as you're ready." Dean grabs Cas' hand.

"I'm ready now." Cas sighs.

"Then come on," he pulls Cas out.

"I see you two are heading out?" Crowley stands in the hall facing them.

"Yes, I'm taking my husband back home, where he belongs." Dean growls.

"Here's a parting gift." Crowley holds out an envelope. "It's some extra cash for your ride home."

"How's this for a parting gift?" Dean flips Crowley off. "We don't want anything else to do with you. I never want to see you around my family again, got it?" Dean stares Crowley down.

"I understand completely." Crowley stuffs the envelope in his pocket. "Have a safe trip then. I hope we meet again." Crowley steps aside, letting them pass.

"Yeah the feeling is not mutual." Dean and Cas leave that hotel without another look back.

That week of school, Cas calls off, there is no way he can go with the pain he's in. By that weekend he is in far less pain. He had been staying home all day not contacting anyone except for Dean and Mary.

Saturday morning the doorbell to their house goes off repeatedly over and over. Cas lurches out of bed and to the front door. Dean must be out in the back, which explains why he didn't answer it. As soon as the door is unlocked it bursts open.

"Oh my god, Cas!" A body barrels into him, squeezing him tightly. Cas winces slightly.

"Gabriel, hi." Cas gently pushes his brother away.

"You haven't answered my calls. Dean wouldn't tell me anything. I was so worried something happened." Gabriel looks over his younger brother. "Who the hell hurt you? I swear to god I'll kick their asses."

"He's dead, there's nothing you can do." Cas murmurs.

"Are you okay, why haven't you called me back?" Gabriel asks.

"I didn't want to deal with anything." Cas shrugs. He leads Gabe to the living room. They sit on the couch next to each other.

"Okay, understandable. Wanna tell me what happened?" Gabe looks at Cas. With a sigh, Cas tells Gabriel everything that happened. When he finishes, they sit in silenced

"I'm the one who told Dean." Gabriel finally says. "He knew something was up and I was so worried, so I spilled everything you told me."

"It's okay, Gabe, you were looking out for me." Cas smiles. "I honestly should have done it myself."

"Hells yeah you should have," Gabriel shakes his head.

"So," Cas grins slightly. "You and Sam, how'd that go?"

"Well he isn't not interested, that's for damn sure. The first night he seemed kind of distant, which is understandable, his girlfriend just broke up with him. But after a drink or two he really opened up, and he sure knows how to flirt up a storm." Gabriel grins widely, his face lighting up brighter than Cas has ever seen.

"You said the first night, you went out again?" Cas inquires.

"Last night actually! He asked me to dinner, and he was such a gentleman. Though I'm not sure if he thinks they're dates like I do." Gabriel murmurs.

"Hey Gabe!" Dean walks in, Mary on his hip. He is covered in sweat and dirt. Mary, looking pristine, has on a cute sweater, pants, and a matching beanie. Her black curls peak out beneath her hat.

"Hey Dean." Gabriel nods.

"Unc'a Gabe!" Mary shrieks, bouncing on Dean's hip. Dean sets her on the floor. She runs across the floor into Gabriel's outstretched arms.

"Hey M&M!" Gabriel exclaims, scooping her up. He calls her that because her middle name is Madison, so Gabriel figured M&M was a perfect nickname.

"So you and Sam, huh?." Dean leans against the doorway.

"Did Cas tell you?" Gabriel asks.

"No, Sam did." Dean smirks.

"Wait, what exactly did he say?" Gabriel inquires.

"Says you guys had drinks, he had fun. Then said he asked you out last night. He really enjoys your company." Dean raises his eyebrows. Gabriel can't help but smile.

"Well, I'm gonna leave you two be, I deserve a well needed shower after all the yard work." Dean waves. "Unless of course you wish to join me?" Dean winks at Cas.

"Ew gross, save that for when you're alone." Gabriel frowns.

"Thanks for the offer, but I've got a child and a brother to watch." Cas smiles.

"Your loss." Dean shrugs and scampers out.

"You don't need to watch me! I'm a grown man!" Gabriel exclaims.

"You are more immature than Mary!" Cas jokes.

"Am not!" Gabriel sticks his tongue out.

"Are too!" Cas grins, copying Gabriel's actions. Mary, watching her father and uncle, sticks out her tongue too.

"Come here cutie pie!" Cas takes Mary from Gabriel.

"You should let me take her some night, give you and Deanie weenie alone time." Gabriel reaches over and pulls off her hat.

"Yeah, like I'd let you take my child and watch her all by yourself." Cas rolls his eyes.

"I'm very great with children!" Gabriel feigns hurt feelings.

"Last week you were watching Casa Erotica in front of her!" Cas exclaims.

"Okay, one, I was flipping through the channel and it was just there. And two, she doesn't even know what that is." Gabriel rolls his eyes.

"Babies' brains are like sponges, they will absorb anything." Cas frowns.

"She won't even have these memories. I'm actually really great with kid. I mean you ended up fine, and I practically raised you." Gabriel grins.

"I'll think about it, if you can prove you can properly take care of her." Cas kisses Mary's forehead.

"Can do!" Gabriel salutes. Cas shakes his head with a smile. A huge weight seems to have been lifted since Saturday.

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