Part 1: I don't sound like that!

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HIII!! This is my Yoonmin fan-fic. I'm HONESTLY going to update as much as I can BUT SCHOOL MAN. Anyway thanks to @taestylips for infiring me to write since im so lazy.... REMEMBER TO VOTE COMMENT AND SHARE ^.^

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     JIMIN P.O.V     

  " I don't know what to wear", I complain to Jin-hyung. He just looks at me with a tired expression, "First I feed you, now I have to dress you too?"

      I give him a sweet smile, as he lays the clothes on the chair. A plain white shirt with some black sweatpants, whatever I guess.


    Jin and I glance at each other confused as hell and run to the door to see what the evil grandpa is doing this time. 

      "Yoongi, what are you doing?!?!?!" Jin yells towards the younger boy. Yoongi turns around a smiles a bitter sweet smile.... right before stepping on this giant freaking spider. I look around seeing Hobie about to pass out.

      "You nearly gave Hobie-hyung a heart attack! What's wrong with you, who steps on that big of a spider? " says V, running to his hyungs side. I frown as I saw Jin leaving the room sighing. This is one thing that annoys me about Yoongi, he never gets in trouble. He thinks he can get away with anything- WOAH hold on Jimin, he is your hyung your not supposed to say these kinds of things.

      " Why do you look like someone just told you the truth and said that you are, in fact, ugly?" Yoongi directs toward me.

      Don't snap, don't snap, don't snap..... 

     I don't know why I'm doing it but, I'm glaring at him. I turn around before I say something I'll regret. Before I realize I do it, I slam the door too. Seconds later I hear someone behind me, " Yah! Chimin, what's wrong?" 

"Nothing... why"                                                                                                                                             

"Well you did slam the door and glared at me like I just killed your dog."                                                    

"Nothing's wrong, I accidently did that, I have to go change." I say, dismissing myself as quickly a possible. Hehehe... good job Jimin you successfully avoided him- WAIT why am I avoiding him- you now thinking about it is just going to give me headache.  

"Oppa... Oppa...... Oppaaa"

"What do you want V, I Swear sometimes you are so irritating and annoying especially today." I accidently let out.

"Eh... why are you so grumpy today?"

I just look at him, many people don't know but I can kill a person just by looking at them. V slowly backed away until he hit Jungkook.

" AISH! Watch where you are going..." Jungkook says muttering some inaudible things at the end.

"Why is everyone soooo grumpy today!" yells Hobie-hyung.

"Keep it down, you guys are so loud." complains Namjoon.

There is so much negative energy, I decide to leave. The halls were so quite and empty, that I felt peaceful for the first time today. I obviously spoke too soon... RIIIIIIIING RIIIIIIIING

" What are you doing? You're honestly the last person I want to see. And why the hell are you so happy today?'' I mutter to the unwanted stalker.

" Well after I scared Hobie, Taehyung threatened to do something if I don't make it up to him." the annoying grandpa explained waving his hands everywhere.

"So Hobie wanted you to be happy, and why are you talking in that ridiculously annoying high-pitched voice?" I ask slightly covering my ears.

"Hobie said to be you for the day." He smirks as he exaggerates the voice.

"So your being me by... talking high pitched and stalking me.... WAIT are you saying I stalk you?" I start to become angry, more angry than all the times people have called me short and chubby.

"Well duh, that's what you do!"

I turn around now more angry at Yoongi than anyone, I don't know why but hyung is really pissing me off.

Maybe he will stop eventually?







Anyway every chapter I will recommend a song, basically any song on my playlist.

Song you should check out: Bad by Infinite

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