Chapter 6 : Kyle :

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Kyle Michaela headed in the kitchen smelling his mothers delicious dinner from his room down the hall.  He kissed his mom on the cheek.

"Wow that smells good ma, what are you making?" His mother was a small woman with shaved hair, hazel eyes and dark brown skin. Her white 'Kiss the Cook's apron was barely tied around her tiny waist.

"Thanks Ky. I'm making the usual Turkey and sides." She smiled pouring food into plates.

"Sounds great, where's Grandpa and Grandma?" He asked taking a seat at the table. His mama sighed looking down.
"They in there arguing again,  lord help them." She sat a plate in front of Kyle and sat down to eat her food.
  "MOM! POPS, get in her we're blessing the food," She called.

Moments later the bold couple were walking in the kitchen.

  "Why you hollering girl we heard you?" Grandpa said grabbing his already made plate.
"Your mother over here yelling at me for no reason." Grandpa continued, his loud voice echoing through the house.
  "I told you to pick up your underwear off the floor, and you didn't." Grandma Rose spat. Her gray hair hung in a gray bush around her face.

"You ain't tell me that!"

"I did too! You were too busy staring at them lil ole girls on T.V with the big butts, you ain't see it."

"What little girls? You mean Mickey Minaj and Re Anna?"

"Yeah, them. Watching them stupid BB&T Awards, you and Kyle both."

"Its called BET Gram."

"Back in my day we didn't have T.V! We ain't have these pointless shows like Squarebob! We had sticks and stones for fun. We ain't have none of these band with the weird names like 'two directions' and 5 seconds of spring, we had the Beatles! And Prince! I used to go to their concert every year in Kentucky." She shouted angrily.

"Um Gram, its called One Direction, and 5 Seconds of Summer. And his names SpongeBob." Kyle said calmly.

"Gah! Let's just bless the damn food, Jules, go." Kyles mother started the prayer and Kyles phone buzzed.
  Amber was calling him.  He smiled, flattered, but was about to press decline when a message popped up.

Kyle, answer, something just happened. I'm at Laurens house. 

Kyle rushed from the table and answered the phone.

"Hullo? What happened? I'm in the middle of prayer. This better be good. "

"Kyle something's wrong with Delia, her brothers just called and said she's not waking up."
Amber was crying over the phone.

"Amber, you and Lauren meet me at her house, I'm coming."


Less than 10 minutes later,  he was at Delia's big white house. Laurens black BMW was already there, So was Jason's  gray Chevy and Delia's brothers truck.
Kyle didn't even knocked, he just barged right in. That's thing with being best friends with someone you can just walk right in their house.
   Glass was everywhere, blood too and overturned furniture. The house stunk of weed badly and smoke lingered in the air.
   Something like this had happened before, Delia had gotten hurt while trying to break up her brothers fighting and ended up getting hit a couple of times. Kyle, Jason, Lauren and Luke had arrived and stopped everything. Kyle never liked her brothers, especially Ryan, they always scared him and was rude and violent.

  He ran up the stairs to her room, where he'd remembered and found everyone in her room. Delia was tucked in the covers, her blue/black hair spread in a fan around her face.
  Amber had tear marks on her cheek, while Jason comforted her. Luke held Delia's limp hand and Lauren glared at the three Perez boys who stood in the corner looking guilty. Harry looked a little sick his eyes brimmed with tears. Ryan's arms were crossed and his lips pinched until they were white.

"What's wrong with her? "

"She's unconscious, Jason found her bloody in the living room. Apparently a T.V had fell on her." Lauren gestured her dark eyes to Ryan, he glared back.

"It was a accident! She jumped in the way!"  Ryan shouted.

"She jumped in the way trying to save your sorry ass." Jason yelled pointing at Harry. 

    Harry just looked defeated. Anger grew fast in Kyle but he lowered it, for Delia's sake he wasn't hurting anybody. Delia had been one of his best friends since fourth grade since she defended Luke on the playground.

At first its just been the original three. Jason, Kyle and Luke. They saw Lauren a few times in school, but she was just merely a face. They thought she was kind of a weirdo, rich kid with slacks,  baby doll shoes and silk robes.
  Delia was one of the popular girls,  everyone knew her.  She was pretty and fun to hang out with. Everyone knew her older brothers in middle school because of their reputation.
When they'd started middle school it was Delia, Luke, Jason, Him and this girl named Kate. Kate was cool, but she moved away to Delaware. In eighth grade Jason got tutor (Lauren) who turned into more than a friend.
Now his best friend was probably dead. He wasn't going to have it.

  "Where's Mrs Perez? She should be home by now?" It was like 9:30 at night.
  Angel chocked as if he had something in his throat.
"That's what they were fighting about! Mom's gone she's never coming back." Tears escaped his eyes but he wiped them away.

  "What do you mean gone?" Kyle demanded clenching his fist. Angel looked pained.

 "She's dead man. She hung her self in the bathroom at work. Her coworker tried to save her. She didn't even say anything."

Time stopped. Delia already didn't have a father, she'd lost her one brother, but now her mother? Not even the worst person deserved this life.

"Come Here." Kyle hated conflict,  but this was his best friend was unconscious. He gestured for them to follow him out the door.  Ryan didn't follow he just stood there.

"Go with him or I'll make you regret living." Lauren promised,  stepping forward, totally not to be messed with. The look on her face was pure hatred. Ryan glared and hesitantly followed Kyle.


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